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Low Profile Magwell ?

Graham Smith

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the "problem" with the Compact frames is that the bottom of the magwell opening is not parallel to the boreline, like in the full-size guns. It is actually angled a bit and shorter in the back that in the front. An add-on magwell would be at that weird angle.

Hence, most don't do it.

One could modify the frame to make it parallel, but I am not modifying an expensive part just to make a cheap part fit.....

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the bottom of the magwell opening is not parallel to the boreline, like in the full-size guns. It is actually angled a bit and shorter in the back that in the front. An add-on magwell would be at that weird angle.

I never noticed that. Makes sense. The CCW delrin magwell is supposed to work with a G19, but I don't feel like spending $50 just to find out it does not work.

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