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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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If you had to add one of those comic book bubbles over this guys head what would it say?


He is the captured "Pirate" if you missed the news

Edited by GIO
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The cost of setting him adrift in a dingy with or without a paddle vs. the cost of bringing him back here for a (show) trial. What the heck are we thinking?

Whoops he slipped and fell into the prop.....

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Pat, tell the studio audience what our losing contestant on "Who Wants to ransom/be a Millionaire?" will be receiving!!

Why sure thing Tom. First we have the paperback edition of "Pitfalls of negotiating with a SEAL team.", along with the the new pocket translator which converts jail slang into five different languages. It comes with useful phrases such as "Tossing the salad", "I just sold your ass for a pack of smokes." and "shank".

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