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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Solo 1000 Data, Chrono Data From Area 6


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I'm sure there's similiar data on here, but I thought I'd post my load.

Gun is STI Edge, close to stock

180gr MG FMJ. OAL is 1.22. Taper Crimp set at .420

Solo 1000 5.0gr. Mixed Brass, Federal SP.

Got a 940fps average at the Area 6 in about 65 degree weather. PF about 169 if I remember right.

This load has not varied in temperature swings of 40-85 degrees. 10 shot strings have <10 SD.

Great load, check Accurate Arms' data first and work up. My load is over max, but works at the longer OAL.

Also, 4.0grs gets me major with a Black Bullet International 200gr moly at 1.20 OAL. Gets me about 835fps.

4.2-4.3grs gets me major with SNS Casting 180 TC lead, or BBI 180gr moly. Gets me about 930fps. OAL at 1.185(longer gets the lube grove to close to the case mouth.)

Edited by Rademacher
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