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ALL Local matches cancelled


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No local matches this weekend in CENTEX due to rain (very heavy downpour yesterday and light rain continuing today).

Many shooters are at Space City (hope they have better weather down there) :cheers:

Waco match - Cancelled due to Rain

Alpha Mike - Cancelled due to Space City

AASA Fun Shoot - Cancelled due to Rain

TGC IDPA - Cancelled due to Rain

We really need the rain but wish it could have come a few days earlier or later.

Guess I'll focus on reloading a bit - getting low on .40 and .45 so I'll crank the handle a few hours today.

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I feel for you. 4 of the last 5 matches I was going to shoot (including today's) have been rained out or cancelled due to the ice storm. Today's was a special classifier I was counting on to bump up a class. Practice is great, but its hard to move up without shooting actual matches!

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Same storm had dumped a foot and a half of snow on Castle Rock, CO. Was supposed to be shooting the Rocky Mountain 300 right now in Northern CO. Hopefully, we can pull it off tomorrow. It was 70 degrees here three days ago.

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TexasTactical IDPA cancelled, too, but that was the range owner more than Mike.

We really need the rain
So....my rain dance finally worked after all this drought. Sorry, I guess I need to work on my timing. The front pond is up a foot, mostly runoff, to about 2 feet deep. It only has about 12 feet to go before it is full. I am planning to shoot some pics of the drought impact to the trees on my property. It is NOT pretty. (Sorry, did not mean to hijack one hate rant with another. When I get the pics, I will post).


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