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Lead SWC in Glock 21?

sam sanfilippo

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I beg to differ from the other forum members. Way back in the day before KKM, Wolf, or even Barsto made after-market barrels, the only non-factory barrel available for a G21 was from Wilson Combat. This was not a "drop-in" barrel, but is was already fully chambered. I can get my old school H&G 68 (lead SWC) loads to work. Because those bullets are bare lead w/ a grease groove, they are pretty dirty. I've since converted to use the various moly bullets.

The Wilson barrel has more case support than factory, but less than other after-market barrels of today

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You can use them, but I could not get them to be 100% reliable. I like shooting semi autos, not rack action pistols. Maybe I was not seating the bullets to proper length. What's so special about a SWC? The nice hole? I'll go with reliability anyday over a pretty paper punch.

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