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Fall NRA TPC (local) at the Range in Oxford NC

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I am very excited to announce that we have secured a venue for a Fall Local NRA TPC match. It has been confirmed that “The Range” in Oxford NC (http://the-range.com/) will host an NRA TPC match in October 2009. At present we are still nailing down the actual date but Match Officials (SO’s-RO’s) will most likely shoot on Friday afternoon and the match will be held on a Saturday.

“The Range” is an excellent facility. Frank holds some of the best matches in this region. We are looking at 7-9 stages with a wide assortment of props and target systems.

Please check back on this forum or at the local NRA TPC URL: http://bellsouthpwp2.net/a/g/ag9427/. STAY TUNED…

Also there are still a few slots available for the June NRA TPC match, which is being held on June 12, 2009 at the Durham Pistol and Rifle club. DPRC is located in Mebane, NC. If you are eligible and would like to attend the June match go to the following URL: http://bellsouthpwp2.net/a/g/ag9427/ . You can read more about the NRA TPC format and print of the event application.

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