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Hammer has play


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When my hammer is down it is not tight against the firing pin stop it will pull back a little. Should I replace the hammer strut with an extra long one? if so steel or ti? and is the EGW one any good?

Thanks Tim

Edited by Glockcomma
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There are 2 lengths of hammer strut that are commonly sold.

The short one [much more common] is what you have, and lets the firing-pin-spring push back and return the FP to the fully-back position, which leaves the tip of even a long FP recessed in the breech. This is better for safety and a very good idea for carry guns.

The long one [you have to ask for it to find one] is put into a lot of Open guns and now even some Limited guns, because it keeps the FP just a little bit further forward. A long FP will have its tip protruding just a tiny bit, sealing the breach from getting any primer back-flow. If you shoot high-pressure ammo, this is better for reliability but not as "safe" as the short strut.

The long strut will push the back of the FP flush into the FP stop, the short one won't. I have a long one in my Open gun.

If you have a short [standard] FP, it really doesn't matter - the FP tip will retract anyway.

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I hadn't thought about removing the pin in the main spring housing, that sound like an easy fix. I have an EGW long Ti strut back ordered from Brownells, I thought I'd adjust the length to where the hammer just rests on the back of the firing pin. Right now my hammer has no spring tension from that point back about 100 thousands and I don't think that is right. I also am going to install an extended firing pin from McLearn or Dawson in the near future, does this set up sound acceptable?

Edited by Glockcomma
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I ordered an EGW m/s cap and long hammer strut both in Ti. I received the cap but the strut was back ordered, I installed the cap to see if it would make any difference. And just like TISCHLJ said it took up the slack and my hammer is perfect now. I am going to leave the Ti strut on B.O. and install it later to save weight, thanks all for your help.

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