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Reloading JHPs


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I've reloaded thousands of rounds.. but only M. Gold or Zeros..... in 230. grain FMJs

I picked up a bunch of 230 grain M. Gold JHPs... what adjustments, if any should I make to my 550 to deal with OAL??????

These cartridges will all be 1911 fodder... and obviously the flat nose must be considered.

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My carry loads are Gold Dot at 1.205" and the Winchesters are 1.235" OAL.

I'd leave the seat die in the same place and see what OAL they load to, you'll probably be pretty close.

Edited by Matt Cheely
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I'm sure others will chime in... IMO I'd use the round die so that the pressure is applied to the ogive of the bullet.

That's what I'm going to do with my new batch of JHPs..... Just treat it like a FMJ.

Edited by MichiganShootist
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