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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Finding out, I am going to have another son!


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There is going to be another Schaefer Boy Child, God willing. Just got home after the Ultrasound.

The little fella was pretty proud, he didnt try to hide it a bit. :cheers:

Congrats! :cheers: Now hurry .......get some sleep! :roflol:

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Congratulations to you and your wife!! I remember the day my son was born. 29 years ago. We still do a lot together, I take care of my 7 month old grandson and his 2 1/2 year old sister two days a week and love every second of it. Gives me a chance to be a kid again.



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Waxman, good for you. Minutes ago I got off the phone with the birthmom of our soon to be adopted son. She is on the way to the hospital. My first boy, gonna name him Gunnar. Gotta go. Congratulations.

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Congrats Dave and Darcy! :cheers: Now just start buying the the 4th shooting rig belt and ammo! :surprise:

Thanks for all the kind words everyone. Hey Jon, while we are going over boys names, we are really leaning Towards Tyler. What do you think of that?

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