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STI Open Short-Block Block questions.

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So here is a silly question that I assume best fits here. Maybe one of you can answer for me.

So I was perusing my latest Brownells catalog in the "Library" and had the idea to maybe step over to the darkside. When I saw this:

STI Shortblock Kit

All I need to add is fire-control, safeties, and a sight and be ready to head out. However I don't want .38 super, I want a major 9.

I read that the barrel is short-chambered and can be "opened" up. I remember that .38super barrels are .356, and 9's are .355. I have also read that when shooting open many guys (.38 super and supercomp) shoot "9mm" .355 bullets in the barrel until it starts to loose accuracy, and then move to .356 bullets to tighten it back up. So does this mean I can have the short chambered barrel reamed to 9mm specs, and then use this barrel, or does it need to be changed out to a specific 9mm barrel?

Thanks for any advice.

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My 9mm open gun is built on an STI shortblock, just make sure the barrel isn't chambered.

But the barrel isn't your biggest issue, the slide is. At the time mine was built STI didn't build a 9mm slide, but the .38 super slide it came with worked, but not all do according to my gunsmith.

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