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Special Classifier Match Apr 5th - Georgia

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Please join us on April 5th for our April Special Classifier match at South River Gun Club, offered as one last chance to get classified in that division you want just before the Area 6 Championship. There will be 6 National classifier stages for your enjoyment: CM03-05 - Paper Poppers, CM03-11 - El Strong & Weak Pres, CM08-01 - 4 Bill Drill, CM99-02 - Night Moves, CM99-08 - Melody Line, CM99-28 - Hillbillton Drill. Show up at 9 a.m., shooting starts at 10 or shortly thereafter.

We really need your help with setup on Saturday, April 4th at 9:30 a.m. if you can spare a couple of hours. The more people that help, the earlier we can all be finished. We will be finalizing set up on Sunday morning at 8:30 am. We would appreciate each squad helping to tear down the stage they finish on and for help with any of the stages that have no squad finish on them.

If you can help with setup, please email Larry Turner at turnerover at comcast .net. Additional information available at georgiaipsc.com.

Edited by wgnoyes
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From the match announcement email I received:

Because this is a Special Classifier, the pricing structure will be different for the match. Entry for your primary gun is $22 for South River Gun Club members, $25 for non-members, and $30 for families. If you wish to re-enter the match and shoot a second gun in any or all of the stages, re-entries are $10 per division. Please be reminded that when you arrive at a given stage in the match, you must shoot the stage for match score first with your primary entry gun, and then you may re-shoot with any secondary guns.

Shooting starts at 10:00.

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