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More of a "What I don't get" thing


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Some things I heard on the news so I can't swear to their accuracy:

80 million gunowners in the U.S

Only 4 million belong to NRA

I work with at least 7 guys who own guns and shoot often. I talked to them about joining NRA and they basically had little to no interest.

Baffling!! :wacko:

Can you imagine if only half of all gunowners belonged how much political clout there may be?

Edited by sandman78
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Agree 100% brother.

One guy I spoke to had a kind of legit beef.

He was a member but got tired of the constant mailings asking for money from the NRA.

I agree with you that EVERY gun owner should be a member.


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I have been a member from my teenage years....but I let it lapse a few times

Been a member for quite a few years straight now and just renewed for 3more years.

Its like so many things ....good people just dont stay involved...yes we are all very buisy .

But when it means your rights, freedoms and even the very fabric of our nation :surprise:

Folks best make the time and effort .

The NRA is our voice...and we need to make it LOUDER!


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Join em all. The NRA is the biggest, but there are others. GOA, CCKRBA, etc. I also recommend finding out about your state organization. In Montana we have Montana Shooting Sports Associatio(MSSA). They do great work within the state. I just think a lot of gun owners take for granted the right to firearms ownership and do not realize that the fight is constant to maintain our rights, not to mention trying to win some of them back.


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Agree 100% brother.

One guy I spoke to had a kind of legit beef.

He was a member but got tired of the constant mailings asking for money from the NRA.

I agree with you that EVERY gun owner should be a member.


That is why I let my membership lapse last year. I could not deal with the almost daily calls from telemarketing companies on behalf of the NRA. Most of these guys were very aggressive and refused to take me off their calling lists. Sad state of affairs in this country right now.

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I figured the begging would slow down or stop when I got a Life Membership- wrongo! Apparently there are several levels of Life memberships now. All in all though- I agree that every gun owner should be a member of the NRA or another RKBA organization.

.... of course I also think that every gun owner should get some training and practice regularly- that don't happen either...

Edited by VegasOPM
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I have cancelled my NRA membership 15 times. I send them $35 and they send me $85 worth of paper and postage asking for MORE money!!!! I have fought with them for years to just take my money and use it for the cause but otherwise leave me the hell alone!!!! I don't even want the magazine! It doesn't work, I get mad and cancel and start a new membership in a couple months...

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Then there is the other side of the coin. My son and thirteen coworkers signed up for life memberships with the NRA. A couple of years ago he decided to get a CCW. He again asked coworkers if they had any interest in a CCW. He and fourteen of his coworkers filled a class. These folks have varied levels of interest in shooting. Some are bona fide gun freaks and down the interest scale it goes. Men and ladies. One lady (the spouse of a coworker) who is described by her husband as a flaming liberal earned her CCW and now carries. I frequently get calls from these folks asking about certain firearms or ammo. About three months back they did a bulk 223 ammo order of over 20K rounds. I was asked to put a short primer on AR care and cleaning together for this group. This is an interesting group of people. The majority are young (under 30), all have advanced degrees in math and sciences and all have a great deal of common sense.



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I was also a member probably 20 years ago or so. I got out of it as well because of all the mail and calls. (They are not afraid to ask for money, that's for sure) Even though I have not tried it yet, I have read on here that you can request to be removed from the mailing/call list and it works to some degree.

I have also not always seen eye to eye with them on gun ownership rights either.(sorry, but I don't think anyone who wants one should be able to walk in and buy a machine gun, no questions asked) I got a lot of calls basically trying to convince me I was wrong.

But it does still amaze me that it gets as little support as it does.

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I don't understand all the complaints about the mailings. I just called up the membership division and asked to be taken off the mass mailing lists. The only thing I receive now is my monthly copy of the Rifleman. One phone call seems like so little effort for all the good that the NRA does.

And for those that are concerned about how much money NRA spends on mailings, probably nothing. With mass mailings for most organizations, independent companies do the printing and mailing in exchange for a cut of the money raised in response to the letters.

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I don't understand all the complaints about the mailings. I just called up the membership division and asked to be taken off the mass mailing lists. The only thing I receive now is my monthly copy of the Rifleman. One phone call seems like so little effort for all the good that the NRA does.

And for those that are concerned about how much money NRA spends on mailings, probably nothing. With mass mailings for most organizations, independent companies do the printing and mailing in exchange for a cut of the money raised in response to the letters.

Read the posts.....Years of calling hasn't worked for most of us.

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Some things I heard on the news so I can't swear to their accuracy:

80 million gunowners in the U.S

Only 4 million belong to NRA

I work with at least 7 guys who own guns and shoot often. I talked to them about joining NRA and they basically had little to no interest.

Baffling!! :wacko:

Can you imagine if only half of all gunowners belonged how much political clout there may be?

Can you imagine if only half of all gunowners actually went to the polls and voted ?

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Some things I heard on the news so I can't swear to their accuracy:

80 million gunowners in the U.S

Only 4 million belong to NRA

I work with at least 7 guys who own guns and shoot often. I talked to them about joining NRA and they basically had little to no interest.

Baffling!! :wacko:

Can you imagine if only half of all gunowners belonged how much political clout there may be?

Can you imagine if only half of all gunowners actually went to the polls and voted ?

Good point!

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