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# 77 gave me chocolate AND a rose *

# 35 gave me SEEs - Almond Roca (now called another name?) *

#150gave me SEEs - Almond Roca (now called another name?) *

Those that cared the most... also gave hugs :-)

* - my favorites...

There were too many with gifts that I couldn't tell who was whom... I think that we took in over 30 #'s of stash - I was sharing while the 1 hour protest period was going on... Did you get some? :-)


Everyone was great, the match ran smoothly, only one rude person - almost got DQ'd for unsportsmanlike conduct... but they let him go. I guess that "we" didn't want to appear to be the "bad" guys. Hope he chooses not to come back - only my opinion. For the most part - the week was most excellent :-)


A2Chic B)

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Even though I got soundly thrashed by Erik W. for the second year in a row, A2 was a blast. No zeroed stages this year, but a whole heapin pile o' mikes didn't help my score any. I came close to breaking the 180, and a couple others went past it-- several running-full-speed-past-targets stages caused a lot of the DQ's

Erik and I hung with BE Saturday night-- watched the eclipse, talked IPSC, motorcycles, clays, celestial mechanics and pretty much left the rest of the world's problems alone. Met Big Joni and a few others as well.

Btw, the train art is in the front yard and even cooler in person.

Pictures and video from my squad (plus Erik's immaculate double and one run by TGO on Stage 1)

My main suggestion for next year? Change the name tags so the shooter's name is much larger. Demote the division and PF to the small-print. I kept seeing people I thought I knew, only to discover their name was "Limited Major". :huh:

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16 people on our squad, long wait between stages. Met Lynn Jones but nobody else new from the forums. Hung out with shred and benos; met BigJoni and the dog.

I thought I shot great, with one meltdown on stage 5 (two backwards moves for make-up shots and one Miss) and only minor mistakes on the others. I'm pretty sure I only dropped three Ds the whole match, averaging 6-8 points down per stage. I was shocked to find I only took 7th in class, 30th overall. I guess I just didn't have the speed. shred had 9 misses and he was only 4% behind me! I should have brought my Limited gun; only a few targets past 10 yards; many within 5 yards.

benos watched me shoot to my ability and smoke the very difficult stage 4 for 8th on the stage. Now I'm sure he thinks I'm an "Open specialist."

At 30th Open, there were still a bunch of guns on the table. Things like the two Dillon 550Bs and RF100 went before the S&W.22s and Armscor shotgun.

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Awesome match!!!! I finished the match clean but a complete brain malfunction on stage 4 cost me 12-13 seconds. That stage cost me 2nd M class, but I still managed a 17th over-all. I really enjoyed stage 1 even though I shot Alpha Delta on each of the bobbers. The desert wash courses were great and I enjoyed the bomb stage the best.

With 401 shooters, I couldn't believe how smooth this match went. To my knowledge there was only a few minor backups. 16 per squad is a little high (I was the last shooter on the last stage). :( The staff was great except for one RO. We had a shooter wipe out on the ramp (stage 8). His Pro Ears came off... he tried to get them back on and they kept falling off. Even though it was her job to stop the shooter, she let him keep shooting without ear protection despite 6-7 of us in the crowd yelling at her to stop him. He did get a reshoot, but had his ears ringing after firing at least 10 rounds through his open gun with no ear protection. This same RO made some big mistakes last year. It's a shame that some of the staff considers her a "queen".

Thanks Barbara for all the work. The match was great and the prize table was alright.

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Hmm.. we had a glitch on stage 8 too. I have no idea who was running the clock, but one shooter ran up to the targets on the end, hesitated and said "They're not taped". The RO said "Keep going". The shooter then shot the rest of the stage terribly, completely bypassing one target for a resulting 2M-FTE combo.

Was that the right call? I dunno. They scored it. The shooter asked for the RM and he said it was not a reshoot situation. Btw, that shooter and the previous one both shot 38 Super, and AFAIK, the untaped targets did not show 4A's each.

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Shred -

That's correct. I did the same thing at the SC State match this year and learned that rule the hard way. As a matter of fact, I'm not sure the RO should have told him to "keep going," as that could be considered coaching (as crazy as that sounds).

When I did that, the RO simply looked a me and kept holding the timer up. I finally kept going after some yelled "keep going." Now that WAS coaching, but the RO didn't give me a penalty. :blink:

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That's a good question. The rulebook is actually not clear on this subject. It talks about "un-restored targets" and scoring the best 2 hits.... however, I couldn't find anything about not getting a re-shoot. I would think it's only fair that this shooter have the option of a reshoot. These stages are designed to present the same challenge to every competitor. It's the RO's responsibility to ensure that the targets are taped. If you notice unrestored targets it will definitely be on your mind.

Anyone else have anything to say on this one?

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hi all,

an untaped target is not grounds for a reshoot. keep shooting, never stop. if you stop yourself, you get the mikes and procedurals.


here's the rules: If scoring or penalty paper targets have not been patched or

taped after a previous competitor’s attempt at the course of

fire, and there are extra scoring or questionable penalty hits

on one or more targets and it is not obvious to the Range

Officer which hits were made by the immediate competitor,

the Range Officer shall order the competitor to re-shoot the

course of fire.

US It is the range officer’s responsibility to see that all targets

are taped after each competitor. In the event that a target is

missed and not taped, if more hits are on the target than

required and they are all of the same caliber, only the highest

scoring specified number of shots may be scored. When

the hits are of different calibers, only the hits of the competitor’s

caliber will be scored. If the competitor has a miss,

and there are hits from a larger caliber on the target, then

the benefit of doubt should go to the competitor and a

reshoot issued.

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Lynn beat me to the punch. Don't let something little like holes in the target stop you. CHP5 just got a blank stare when he looked back at me holding the timer at the SC state match. Cy, the coaching penalty goes to the coach not the student, you did right. Sorry about the thread drift; Area 2 looks like it needs to make my match calendar for '04 :D

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rtr - in answer to your question... shooter # 51 - she's a 14-year-old local Jr. smallbore shooter. Her coach is from the Jr. Smallbore program (Bob LaMarca - also the match's stage design coordinator - also my husband of 23 years). This is her first big shooting match - she came in last place Limited and overall. :-( Cute, eh?

sincity... The CRO on stage 8 is not a "queen" - but she is very well respected at our club. If she didn't have that respect from her peers - she would not have been assigned the position of "CRO". As far as the incident... I wasn't there - maybe that was a bad call... ??? I'm glad you all had a good match - for the most part. Hopefully, we won't have to squad so heavy next year.

Any other suggestions or comments are appreciated - either good or bad. We aim to please and hope to provide a most excellent match again next year (A2 for sure).


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The CRO on stage 8 was very clear in her instructions, she articulated what she wanted and what she was going to do. Perhaps because she was a woman and used an authorative voice and manner she put some people off. But not me nor anyone else in my squad.

I found her to be just fine as a CRO.

Stage 10 has a real chanllenge for the CRO and ROs. The talk of a floating 180 was quite interesting. Hearing from the ROs that more people were DQ'd from that stage than any other was helpful. It did remind folks to pay attention.

I did enjoy the stage 9 CRO's comment to me that " he wished everyone held their finger out of the trigger guard as well as I did when I was moving."

All of the CROs and ROs I experienced were professional, some more friendly than others but all were serious about doing their job and enhancing the shooting experience.

I will tell you I had an opportunity to hear a conversation between a RO and CRO after the CRO was asked to explain a call made the day before to one of the match officials. I watched and heard the discussion between the CRO, match official and the shooter. It was done professionally and with courtesy. Afteward everyone had left, I overheard [on purpose] the conversation between the RO and CRO. The CRO did not crap or complain about having to explain the call or bad mouth the shooter in any way. That showed real character. All in all, the crew was excellent.

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I do not have anything against her. All I'm stating is that she made a horrible call. Safety of the shooter should always be top priority. The shooter should have been stopped immediately when she saw that his hearing protection came off. No excuse, it's the rule.

The biggest reason why I brought this up is because of an instance that I witnessed last year. To make a long story short, our squad and a few others were briefed about an exact start position. The next day we noticed other squads starting differently. They started the exact way that we wanted to start, but we were told "no, you can't start like that". Even though we were not going to be unproffessional and argue, we still made it clear that we thought the start position would allow knee's bent. There was a significant advantage. When approached and questioned later she denied the whole conversation. Like I said earlier, I have nothing against her. The example from the year before did not concern me since I would have kept my run even if a re-shoot was possible. So, I hold nothing against her and I'm sure she is/can be a good RO. She RO'ed be twice and both times a wrong call was made on our squad, so I thought it was worth bringing up.

On another note, the RO's at that match were awesome. They were all very kind, knew there jobs, and made the match VERY enjoyable.

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