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Five Hour Energy Drinks

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I have a couple friends that swear by these Five Hour Energy drinks that come in the small yellow and red bottle. One guy works swing shifts and he goes through several bottles 2 or 3 days a week. The other takes them when on long road trips to stay alert.

I looked up the ingredients and it has no sugar or carbs.... only about the caffene of one cup of coffee or tea... but they are LOADED with B-12 . (over 8,000 times the daily requirement) and other such supplements.

I though they might help me get through some of the really long days on the range (both as a shooter or an RO)... but I wonder what they do to your blood pressure... and if there are serious side effects.

Do any of you have opinions either way... Pro...or Con???????? Have you tried them?????????

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I have not tried any energy drinks and am not too keen to start. However, I read an article recently that reviewed several and found that some actually do work fairly well. The little 5hr Energy bottle was one and I think RockStar was another.

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I sent a PM to my buddy CSEMARTIN.... to see what the Doc. thinks too.

I like the idea of no sugar and little caffine------I'm just a little concerned about the massive volumes of some of the supplements in these things..... 8,000% of this and 1,200% of that and 450% of something else could spell trouble.... especially if a person is allready taking supplements and one-a-days.

I had some medical problems years ago that were eventually traced (after $500 worth of tests) to an overdose of chromium in my diet... because it was in a couple different supplements I was taking----The total created a problem.

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I understand what you are telling me... but most of the "sports drinks" including PowerAid and GatorAid....are pretty much like sitting down with a spoon and eating a pound or more of sugar.

I read the labels very closely.

No sugar... but lots of high fruitose is a bad trade off. Sugar can be processed by the body the other cannot.

Edited by MichiganShootist
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I have tried several of the 5+ hour energy shots and like them for long days, especially if I know I will not be able to eat lunch. Like anything, it should probably be done in moderation. I try to eat something in the morning and do not take them on an empty stomach. I do not take them more than twice a week and sometimes not at all. On days when I know I will use one, I do not take any additional B supplements. They can give you the shakes, so as per the instructions, you might want to try half a bottle at first.

Edited by TM262
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Once last year I got up at 0-dark:30 to make a match almost 3 hours away, and I made the mistake of drinking a big Red Bull half way there. The first few stages I had the shakes. Never going to do that again.

Those supplements scare me, especially for regular use. My liver is probably taxed enough already :)

If you normally drink caffeine (I do diet coke), stick with your regular amount. Too little can give you a headache from withdrawls.

An energy bar with a lot of protein (nuts work too) and water during the match. If it's really hot some juicy fruit like grapes sometimes helps too.

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I tried a 5 hour energy drink...once... I figured it kept you awake ...to search for a place to barf... Did not like it and other than the taste, the price was bad... about $3.00. But to each his, or her own, tastes. Don't care much for Red Bull either..

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When I have to drive 400 to 600 or more miles in a day, I sip on one bottle of Endorush. it's less than $4.00 for a 16 oz. bottle. IMO, it's a life saver. :cheers:

Stay Safe,


P.S. I get it at GNC.

Edited by atbarr
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If you think Red Bull gives ya' the shakes, you ain't seen nuttin' till you spend a day on one of these little 5 oz heart attacks! They make me into a paint shaker and my wife agreed 100% after also trying one on a long drive we recently made.

I would rate one of these 5 hour drinks equivalent to chugging 2 Red Bulls!! They taste way worse than a Red Bull too!

Seriously, I keep a Red Bull in my cooler for enuff energy to finish up my chores and make the drive home after a long day on the range, but would never compete hopped on any one of these liquid stimulants.

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I understand what you are telling me... but most of the "sports drinks" including PowerAid and GatorAid....are pretty much like sitting down with a spoon and eating a pound or more of sugar.

I read the labels very closely.

No sugar... but lots of high fruitose is a bad trade off. Sugar can be processed by the body the other cannot.

I agree that they contain a lot of sugar. Generally, I told my guys, water only, but if you're feelin' a little stupid then go 50/50 water & Gatorade.

And...it's FRUCTOSE. High fructose corn syrup is not really that much different (health-wise) than sugar.

Let me put this another way. If I drink Gatorade and told my flight doctor, he wouldn't care. We showed him a bottle of 5 Hour and he flat out said that if we drank this that he'd ground us immediately.


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I used to do a lot of driving on a previous job. I mixed the 5-hr Energy Drink with a bottle of orange juice and it masked the taste and somewhat diluted the effect. It did it's job-never did have a case of the shakes when using it. YMMV.

I understand what you are telling me... but most of the "sports drinks" including PowerAid and GatorAid....are pretty much like sitting down with a spoon and eating a pound or more of sugar.

I read the labels very closely.

No sugar... but lots of high fruitose is a bad trade off. Sugar can be processed by the body the other cannot.

I agree that they contain a lot of sugar. Generally, I told my guys, water only, but if you're feelin' a little stupid then go 50/50 water & Gatorade.

And...it's FRUCTOSE. High fructose corn syrup is not really that much different (health-wise) than sugar.

Let me put this another way. If I drink Gatorade and told my flight doctor, he wouldn't care. We showed him a bottle of 5 Hour and he flat out said that if we drank this that he'd ground us immediately.


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SingleStank gives them the thumbs down, just ask him.

Singlestank?? I thought it was singlestink :roflol::roflol:

I have tried the 5 hour drinks and they work ok for me, not giving me the shakes but keeping me relatively fresh. My preference is Powerade Zero. I usually drink one after about 3-4 stages and it keeps me going for the last couple of stages.

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I would drink a Red Bull long before chugging something that has 8,000% of something. Your body can only absorb so much, and the rest is filtered out (or damages your kidneys). Red Bull is great for chasing off the long one day format match fatigue ;)

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I am on the far side of extreme compared to most of the above posters.

I start my day with a pre-workout drink, (NO Explode) which is full of caffeine, creatine, B vitamins etc. Then 20-30 minutes of cardio with a heart rate monitor followed by 30-40 minuted of weight training. My heart rate never goes crazy. Then at 9am and 3pm I have a Low Carb Monster. No gitters for me. I love the stuff.

The only thing better is a Low Carb Monster with a little 40 Creek whiskey mixed with it!!

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I like the 5 hour energy myself. The other similar type things I don't care for tho, they taste bad to me and give me the shakes. I'll drink one 5 hour energy over the course of a long day at the range and I think it helps, especially if I feel like I'm dragging a bit.

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