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One Handed Thing


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So i'm at a match and this dude is there with one arm.I ro him,he shot good but his mag change took a year or so.

unload and show clear,he then turns to me and said "how'd you like the one handed thing".

As a smartass even i was at a loss for a comeback...........to the point already

I started working on a magpouch system he could use by jamming the butt of the gun down over the mag and have the mag seat in the gun and release from the pouch.All of this of coarse while not breaking the 180

We try the proto-types tomarrow

Think i might have a market for this if it works?

Gimme some feedback whatdaya think :huh:

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Guest qstick

Is there a market for that, probably not. How big is the pool of buyers you are drawing from?

However, I must say that it is indeed a great gesture, and yet another reason that the shooting crowd is a great one.

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yea,your probably right.

No million dollar idea by far.

Hes been shooting ipsc for a couple of months now and has a consistant sub second draw .83 being the fastest ive seen (by anyone for that matter)

7 yd a zone aimed shot!

Since i've been doin it for 2 1/2 years now i was concerned that he would bring me down if we practiced too much together,this was not the case.

We are both improoving and we shoot together every weekend.

Just finished the first Gen 1 proto type he'll try it tomarrow.



It was a local match but we had 2 good As and a good B open to beat!

(end of gloat)

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Is there something that prevents reloading directly from the belt?

If not, it might actually be an interesting new toy/device. You don't completely remove one hand from the grip, just loosen to hit the mag button, slam the gun down into your belly (safely) and get the gun back up.

Might be kinda cool...

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To my knowledge the IPSC rules don't prevent this, apart from the usual stuff such as sweeping, safe barrel directions and location of the magazine pouches.

But, would it, for a 2-armed shooter, really be an advantage ?

What I like about the reloads as I do them now is that the gun stays up high and almost fully on target. I guess that it would be more effort to move the gun down and up than just an empty hand down and a full magazine up again.

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a-44978 & 300lbGorilla: back in the dim, distant past, (mid-1980's) when I first started playing at IPSC, there were some "Standard Exercises" aka classifiers, that did call for a 1-handed reload.

Magazine base pads were not quite as large. With a magazine for a 1911, either without a base pad, or with a small pad, and the right magazine pouch, you could reload from the belt pouch.

Using either a SNIK magazine pouch (see Mel Tappan's book, "Survival Guns" for pictures) or early Safariland single pouch's with the split front. insert the magazine base pad down, rear magazine side to flat side of pouch, and front of magazine to split front of magazine pouch. This puts the top of the magazine extending from the pouch. (is this description clear as mud, or what???LOL)

Drop magazine from pistol. Push pistol (Carefully!!!!!) onto magazine in pouch. When magazine has gone as far into the pistol as possible, rotate pistol forward and down, breaking the magazine out through the front split lips of the pouch. Pull pistol and magazine free of the pouch. You will need to finish seating the magazine, (usually) by pressing the pistol butt against your belt/stomach/table/whatever to fully seat the magazine.

Use your imagination to see how many ways you can muzzle yourself, break the 180, etc, etc...... :rolleyes:

Still, if it can be set up to help someone compete in this sport, who might otherwise be unable to, it's a good thing. My compliments, A-44978, and good luck and good shooting. :)

FWIW: most law enforcement firearms training that deals with one-handed reloading (presuming the other arm has been injured) starts with dropping the magazine and then:

a)putting the pistol back into the holster, or.....

wedging pistol into waist band, or......

clamping pistol between knees/legs, magazine well out, or......

setting pistol down (chose one based on situation)

b)get spare magazine

c) insert spare magazine

d) grip pistol again, close slide if needed (press slide release or push slide

back against body/belt until slide is released and goes forward)

Revolvers are harder to do, but it can be done with one-hand, just a little juggling practice required. :D

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There was a guy 3 years ago that shot the Area 8 match one handed. He just turned the mags upside down in the pouch and load that way. He got hurt at work a couple weeks before the match and wasn't going to miss it. Shot better than a bunch of regular shooters. The problem would be the base pads used. I think he was using a caspian so they just flipped around and went right in.

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There are a couple guys in my area who are "strong hand only". One of them uses a belt system very much like the one you describe that allows him to drop an empty mag and then pick up another one by bringing the magwell down to the properly alligned mag. I'll try to get a picture of the rig next time I see him. He shoots open exclusively and has a slide racker on his slide and a corresponding groove on his belt so he can chamber rounds, show clear, and clear malfunctions. Very slick setup.

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Hi we built a system for an ipsc shooter Joe Touchton and he has been using it sucessfuly for about 5 years now.

basicaly using sti mags with a standard base pad . I machined a device to hold two mags in place upright.

when he is ready just drop the mag and reload, the only disadvantage we can come up with is that reloads have to be done standing still. but thats just a question of working out where to do this on a stage.

Joe is a B class shooter and runs the local steel match here in south louisiana. Joe's only comment is "speed matters".

Regards Neil

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So he tried it and on a stand and shoot he did a 2.14 .this done with a hessitation of looking at the gun before reaquiring the targets and showing up for the match late without ever seeing it before.This guy has gone from %20 to %40(in local matches)in just a couple of months.Now this gizmo and his fast draw (under a sec consistantly)who knows?

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