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The Internet


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I am constantly amazed by the resources provided by the internet. I can't imagine the size of the library needed just to contain the tip of the iceberg of information available with a few keystrokes.

Although I still prefer a bound copy of a book, I'm glad the information is there in electronic format when I need it.

What are a couple of examples you have of being able to find information? For me, owners/service manuals for just about any piece of gear imaginable, or the name of a song, with lyrics, some obscure artist wrote when I was a teenager.

The list could be just about indefinate in length.


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I looked upon the internet with scorn and snobbery. I thought all that used it were lazy and needed to just "get out and find things the old fashioned way".

What an idiot I was. The aforementioned manuals is what got me into using the net. I needed old manuals for a welder that was not made anymore and the company had been purchased by another. Then I needed to purchase a drive for an extruder and one for a puller, and that was that. Since then it went like this:

Equipment to recipes, recipes to books, books to music, napster and many others to iTunes, back to books and That is when I found the book( Brians), then to others (Steve Andersons books) and then I have been a slave to Powder Valley, Hodgdon, The Benosphere, and now more recently YouTube for more music and live performance archived there.

The cool thing is how I find myself recording notes into my phone and using that for all sorts of research ideas on the computer. It has made trips to the library fewer and farther between as I am able to access much of that information from home.

What did we ever do without this and cell phones I'll never know. (Although I really do hate my phone sometimes!)

My .05. Jimmy

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porn....what else is it good for???? :goof:

actually I have found ebay to be quite interesting. For the last year I have been watching Senco air guns and have stolen/bought several for our carpenter crew. I'm amazed at what people sell on ebay.

My search foo must be very weak.....I can never get Google to get me were I what to go.

I lurk on several forums reading a mix of different stuff from guns to motorcycles to old farm machinery.

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Up until this year I was an active eBay seller. I still make critical little buys on eBay and have found just what I was looking for.

I do legal research concerning my career interests in general and have access to CaseMakerTM, a mind-boggling national database of legal cases and related topics. And I bet I've only scratched the surface of the public access legal info sites.

I use Google to access just about anything sometimes; if I see something on TV that piques my interest, for instance, I turn around in my chair, bring up Google and look it up instantly. That's INSTANTLY, folks. We didn't have "instantly" when I was a kid.

I've made a host of new 'friends' in forums online--something unheardof in former years, and have had the unique opportunity to exercise non-audible management skills (the art of herding cats with words on a shooting forum) on a certain site here in Oregon.

I was able to slightly expand my commercial art business solely due to access to the Internet and to those 'friends' made thereon.

I use the Internet at work to flesh out a myriad missing details in my clients' bankruptcy cases. Very time-saving and handy.

When I began shooting a few years ago, I used the Internet to research TONS of stuff about technique (mental and physical), about gun forums, about gun sales auction sites, and much about guns themselves.

Google helped me concoct my personal salsa recipe.

There are practically no adequate terms to describe the impact and importance of the Internet. "Awesome" does come to mind, however.

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I just used it to look up the "top uses of the internet." :)

And, to tell you all about it.

Earlier I setup a time to pick up a buddy for the match tomorrow morning. I checked on getting a replacement cup for a Stanley thermos...and looked to see that I could buy a whole thermos on Ebay for the price of the replacement cup.

I recently ordered an application for a Florida CCW permit...having researched (on the internet) that no class was needed and that shooting USPSA qualified for the gun handling requirement.

I've downloaded firmware to make my wireless router run better...so I can type this from the lap top on the other side of the house. Canx our home phone line, and ordered up Vonage as a replacement (actually called those in, but did the research online).

Then there is the untold thousands I've gained and lost in the market... :wacko:

I think I'll go play some poker.

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...and just remembered a biggie... the amazing amount of expertise and help to be found on forums like this for any interest you might have. Used to have to rely on trial and failure...er, I mean, error :roflol:


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I realized today the growth of the internet even as recent as my own fore into junior high. I was never instructed my my teachers to use the net as a reliable recourse, and never used the net as a means of entertainment.

Today I was visiting some of my problem students in the computer lab (as they preferred to use the lab in lieu of recess time). I was amazed to find them feeding their internet pets, acquiring internet monies on a website called Millsbury to furnish their internet homes, and researching information on upcoming papers.

Blew my mind.

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Access to just about any information "instantly" (as Siggy said) is a HUGE thing for me. I am one of those people that research the hell out of things before I buy them. The bigger the purchase, the more I research. Spent almost 2 years researching trucks before I bought my Tundra. I found the kennel where I got my puppy last summer online while researching the breed and local breeders. I never would have found these folks in the old days even though they are only 80 miles away.

And many years ago when I was looking for local ranges to shoot at online I stumbled on this organization called USPSA...and despite their really crappy (at the time) website still joined and look where THAT got me! ;)

Online banking has got to be the second biggest thing for me. I now get exactly one (1) paper bill on a regular basis and I still pay that one with my bank's bill pay feature. A book of checks now lasts me 18 months or more.

I have even begun making choices about which businesses I use based on their billing method and online presence. I was searching for a new doctor awhile back (tired of the old one playing with his laptop the whole time he was supposed to be talking to me instead of listening to what I was telling him and then claiming later I never told him stuff) and based on reputation (both line doctor's rating services as well as recommendations of friends) it came down to two clinics. One had a nice online site with links to lots of info including some pretty specific and well crafted "canned" searches at WebMD, full doctor's bio's, online billing and bill pay, online appointment scheduler with emails to remind you of appointments. The other didn't exist online beyond Chamber of Commerce and yellow pages listings. Guess where I went?

The online "world" of friends has also been great and I am not sure I would be very happy if I lost that world.

And finally online shopping. Living out in rural America I don't have ready access to a lot of stuff. But online I have access to almost anything.

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I use the internet more than most.... I'm an advertising consultant for Autotrader.com so I utilize the internet for not only personal research but for work as well. The internet has changed the way people do business and has completely changed the way people buy cars.

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I recently found this gem on the 'net Nice!

I recently ordered an application for a Florida CCW permit...having researched (on the internet) that no class was needed and that shooting USPSA qualified for the gun handling requirement.

a google later.. I found all I needed..

Thanks to this mysterious figure.

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