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Gun Shows


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Just came back from a local gun show that.....I knew i shouldn't have gone to. My wife said "you are just going to get pissed off then I have to deal with you for the rest of the weekend"

Everything was even more over-priced then it always is at Gunshows and the selection was sparse at best. Dealers responding to "supply and demand" ...my ass. If anything good comes out of the soon to be seen changes it will be driving Gun Show hacks out of business. Maybe they can sell "as seen on TV" items or used cars.

My rage goes way back before the current crisis. Have you ever tried to sell anything at a Gun Show? It is as bad as the "Gun Library" at Cabela's. They can have the same gun on the table for 4 times what they want to give for yours and keep a straight face. I would rather hear "not interested"

The biggest laugh is at the big show twice a year in Tulsa. Tables and Tables of crap priced like Sam Colt or John B was hand building them while you wait.

When I here the Libs talk about Gun Show loop-holes I think they must be refering to the insanity loop-hole these dealers are stuck in. Do they really want to sell their items or do they just enjoy the atmosphere and Lugging their stuff back to the truck.

Anyway, i feel much better. Thanks for listening and if I offended any of the good guys on this board that deal at shows I am sorry.


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I hear ya, Did the same thing today. Drove 110 miles to get there and the show consisted of about 25 tables. Most of the stuff there was eiter junk, rediculously priced, or non gun stuff, mostly the later. The gunshow add said that the tables had to be 90% gun stuff, must not have been enforcing that one. They were just scalping people on Bulk ammo, mags, and anything AR related. On the bright side, I ended up driving to a new gunshop 20 miles from there, and finding lots of bargains, and a whole selection of hard to find Witness mags, and AR Pmags. He also had all of the primers, I asked for in stock, He even carried Dillon Products. Just like you said, my wife warned me , but I went anyway. My new store helped me forget that stupid show

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My Buddy and I have done gun shows for over 20 years.

There are some sharks out there...and people who just want to make a quick buck.

Also a core of REAL gun lovers and some quite nice people..collectors and avid traders.

Just as you dont throw the Baby out with the bath water....dont paint all gun show people with the same brush!


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I've been going to "fun shows" ever since i was a little kid. My dad and my brother would go every couple of months after going to the range. For me it was an opportunity to spend a great time with dad and learn a ton about firearms, surplus, beef jerky, well you get the idea. Now a days I agree, its probably easier to get good deals on-line, but there is something about putting hands on the item, talking with real people, and being able to comparison shop just a few tables away that still appeals to me. Informed shoppers can still find the good deals and without habing to pay for shipping or wait for the delivery truck :rolleyes: Now I go with my 2 boys as well :cheers:

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I went to the gun show here in Mobile a couple of weeks ago. They have one every 3 months or so and this one was the first to be held after the......Well, let's just say it was the 3rd weekend in November.

Anyway, I don't think I have ever seen such a crowd at a gun show. The line to get in was almost 100 yards long but it was steadily moving. I told my wife that once I got in that I have seen smaller crowds at the Mall on Christmas eve. People were buying anything ammo and AR related, but for some reason, no one was selling reloading components. I usually try to pick up a case of primers and some powder but nobody was selling them.

Anyway, like GIO said, there were some jerks there that thought everything they had was gold plated, but there were more, by far, decent merchants there as well.



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I think my dislike for gun shows goes back to my dislike for flea markets - I don't like to haggle much. Offer me something at a fair price and I'll pay it. But don't put out a bunch of junk at inflated prices just to make the price of the few decent things you have seem more reasonable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gun shows in south florida have become so over price is not even funny,and the lack of selection of arms large amounts of hand guns,not enought long guns(shot guns,rifles)not enought ammo.and the botton line the prices are any where from $100-200 over regulars prices oh not to mention cover charge to go in $20-25

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This got me thinking of how cool gun shows were here in So Cal before the laws got so crazy. I would love to go to the L.A. County fairgrounds to the Great Western gun show once a year. I swear my Pop and I never missed one from 80 to 90. I can remember seeing people walking around with HK33s, and G3s, just all sorts of new and old military rifles. That was where we would but ammo for the year. Cases of Czech and Izraeli surplus 9mm and 30-06 for my 03A3 Sringfield.

People would be decked out as soldiers from different eras, and there were different building for reloading, militaria, hunting, bowhunting, ets., etc.

Those days are so over it isn't funny at all. :angry2:

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Gun shows in Montana are a joke because they are run by the Weapons Collectors Society of Montana and are billed as gun and antique shows. There are 5-10 times as many tables dealing with antiques as with anything gun related.

Thanks for this hate thread I needed to rant.

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This got me thinking of how cool gun shows were here in So Cal before the laws got so crazy. I would love to go to the L.A. County fairgrounds to the Great Western gun show once a year. I swear my Pop and I never missed one from 80 to 90. I can remember seeing people walking around with HK33s, and G3s, just all sorts of new and old military rifles. That was where we would but ammo for the year. Cases of Czech and Izraeli surplus 9mm and 30-06 for my 03A3 Sringfield.

People would be decked out as soldiers from different eras, and there were different building for reloading, militaria, hunting, bowhunting, ets., etc.

Those days are so over it isn't funny at all.

Reading this makes me wish I could go back in time...

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Coming from someone who just sold a well used DPMS M4 AR-15 last weekend at a gunshow for near twice what it was worth last summer, at the moment, I LOVE gun shows. :)

Coming from someone looking to buy ammo and AR mags at the show, I HATE gunshows. :(

Oh well. This too, will pass.

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