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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Everyone Loved The Bird!


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Listening to a syndicated radio show Monday, some T.V. chef was talking about brining the bird for 48 hrs prior to roasting. I recalled eating a brined bird and how it was rather tasty. Being I am always the cook for Thanksgiving I was at work Tuesday getting the bird ready and into the brine.

Well this bird went into the oven bag and into the oven at 9 this morning. I cook low and slow and I browned the bird at 400 the last 35 minutes and let that sucker sit for an hour and rest before carving.

It WAS delicious! Moist, tasty, just the best bird I have ever made. This can be done before deep-frying your bird too!


It was also nice to see friends that I haven't in years and to treat them and their great kids to good food. Just another reminder at why this is my favorite holiday. :wub:

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. . . It WAS delicious! Moist, tasty, just the best bird I have ever made. This can be done before deep-frying your bird too! . . .


Started brining a few years back, haven't looked back.

Found/modified a great brine mix that starts off with pouring 3 oz. of gin into the cook. :rolleyes: (Quality control purposes only, of course.)

12-24 hr brining, cook breast-down, roll and brown at the end, carve it and put the meat on the table.

The platter's clear by the end of the meal (4 turkeys this year -- 2 fried, 2 brined and baked). Even the people who say they prefer the fried wind up going back to load up on the brined meat.

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