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Texas Windmill


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Hey Erik

Thanks for the Complement on my welding. It has been a long road. Since I have had no formal training, just bought a welder and started sticking metal together.

I have got nothing but great comments about the windmill. I personal like the port thing for the windmill it gives you a little more control over where the shooter is going to shoot at it from and will usually keep him from shooting the mechanism itself. But keeping them back from it and a surprise seems a little diffacult, unless the Ports are pretty big.

One of the fun things I have done at our local club match and why the shaft is way longer than it needs to be, is to put the windmill behind a wall and run the shaft through a 1.5 inch hole in the wall and put the pulley back on, then cut two ports about two foot square one on either side of the shaft. When running the stage have the shooter come up and actually turn the pulley to get the targets to appear in the ports. The nice thing about this a "D" class shooter can spin it slow and a "GM" can give it a whirl and fixes the "to slow" for some and "to fast" for other problem.

If any one has a question about the windmill, I will be monitoring this tread and would be happy to give any suggestions or comments pretaining to the Windmill.

P.S. Last week, I built a new accessory for the windmill to make it do something besides just go around and around and it is cheap. It will turn your windmill into a bobber. We shot it last Sunday at our club match (testing ground)and was a hoot. There will be some video of it on our web page at www.doubletapranch.com next week. ( Right Now the Video is 2.4MG going to try to cut it down a bit) The nice thing is cost of the accessory to make the windmill into a bobber will only be $35.00 this includes shipping. Gee! I hope somebody has not thought of this yet.... Sorry! Could not help myself. :D

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You Know I don't think most people care who invented it, they just want to shoot and have a good time. That is my whole thing with doing this, its something fun. I NEVER set out to sell these things it just happened that way because of the article that Robin Taylor wanted for the front sight. He though it was cool and so did the lady that wrote the other article about the windmill in the Texas State Limited. (Dan has never said a word to me about this and has had numerous opportunities)

The thing that gets me, is that if there is this RUMOR going around this area, its a few guys that have only shoot our local match once or NEVER, in five or six years. So how do they know what I am doing and when? All they know is they saw Dan's at the 4H match and then saw the article in front sight so I must have gotten it from Dan. There is Lots and Lots of gents around this area that have seen this and heard me talking about this for years and years, One even posted on this tread and it was ignored.

It's like trying to convince Hand gun control ( The brady campaign) that guns are good and save peoples lives every day, but HGC and others Know what, they know and won't listen to any of the facts, period and that is OK. I am not trying to change anybodies mind just presenting the facts from my side.

One Last Thing: all the Money I made on the "Texas Windmill" went to renting a bulldozer and we are in the process of building a real nice range for the enjoyment of other IPSC shooters in the North Texas /Southern Oklahoma Area called the Double Tap Ranch. http://www.doubletapranch.com

It's not like I took an exotic vacation with the profits!

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No one ever said you don't make a nice product, and Dan has said (repeatedly) that you were welcome to pirate his design to your heart's content. You charge less than you probably should and deliver on time.

But the whole "oh, I sketched out the idea on the back of a napkin five years ago" story...sigh...there are just too many shooters around here who know the whole story..the whole true story, not the self-serving little advertisement in Front Sight or your comments here.

Well, some folks have class and some folks...play at the Idea Cafe.

Speaking of Idea Cafe, the annual Coleman 4H match is this very weekend. Dan has said that he will provide napkins and pens to anyone who wants to take notes :lol:


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I remeber reading an article in front sight about the texas windmills (not texas star) a few isues back. Was tinking about buying one for our club and can't find that issue. Any one have a link or phone number for the manufacturer. Last but not least, does anyone have any expereince with this prop?

[moderator mode] This thread has taken on far too nasty a tone. Keep it civil, keep it on topic, or it will be closed. [/moderator mode]

Just as a reminder of what the initial topic was I have quoted the author.


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Maybe you should close the tread. I get tried of hearing the same dribble over and over, from the same person, Nothing New. He does not belive anything and won't. Iam tried of hearing him call me a liar and all the folks in this area. If you want to fight Alex maybe you should put in orders for IRAQ. My Aplogies to you Erik and the others for enduring these comments.

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This has went on for far too long. I expected you two to bury the hatchet or take it offline.


As a matter of fact, you were both warned. I am suspending your privleges for 3 days. Please use that time to consider the others on this forum.

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