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For those that know! Is one better that the other,

as far as a 5" handgun barrel? WHY looking to

replace the barrel in a G34 using 125 JHP! Any info

would help- and is it that important anyway? Looking

at KKM,Barsto,Storm Lake and LoneWolf. Thanks :closedeyes:

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What I look for in a barrel is depth of rifling and twist rate. I haven't been able to tell much difference between broached

and button. The deeper lands & grooves - .004 to .005 per side - work better on lead and are fine for jacketed. The shallower

ones - about .002 per side - work better for jacketed and the barrel doesn't last as long. The faster twist - 10 to 12 - will

stabilize a light target load ( think 148 gr. wadcutter, 2.8 gr. Bullseye ) for a longer distance, and will shoot everything thru

magnum velocity accurately. The slower twist rates - 16 to 18 - will stabilize mid-range target loads (125 pf ) thru magnum


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Quality is important, how they came about that quality cut, button swaged, push or pull less so. Hammer forged is a shortcut used for high production and generally not nearly as good. The barrels used in competition are probably going to be the best ones, Makers claims are generaly overblown

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