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Shes Eating And Thriving


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First off, I have to admit that I am a big kid. I frequently go to a great critter catching spot with a friend of mine and collect the little ones that fall into a man-made dry canal. We regularly catch everything from tortoises (which we turn into the preserve) and rattlers, to sidewinders and scorpions. we have been doing this since we were in 4th-5th grade.

On our last trip, I found a young Desert Iguana similar to the type that roam the Palm Springs Gun Club. I was quite worried as she would never eat when I observed her. I was getting worried that I was going to have to release her if she refused to eat. I put everything in her habitat that she is known to love (blooming creosote, rabbit droppings, crickets, etc.)

Today, I was putting mealworms into her habitat, and she went crazy for them. She ate eight of them as soon as I dropped them in and then sat on her hot rock and went to sleep. She could have cared less that I was around, and went to sleep while I was observing her. ( A sure sign of her comfort level.)

I think she is happy. I will get her a new boquet of creosote this evening, she deserves it.


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These lizards are extremists as far as heat goes. If you turn off her heat for too long she will stop eating for sure as it has somethig to do with digestion and metabolism because she is cold blooded. Desert Iguanas can thrive in 110 degree temps. If I leave her rock on, she will sleep under it and rarely come out. I have it and a small watt bulb on timer to simulate day/night cycles.

Creeping you out? My room was full of reptiles as a kid. I had turantulas, snakes of varying types (some poisonous), scorpions, you name it. Used to catch sidewinders, put them in the freezer for 15 minutes and then throw them in the Kingsnake tank. You would be amazed at how fast a Kingsnake will eat a sidewinder. My mom would never go in my room, I winder why? :devil:

Like I said, still a big kid. I just am fascinated by this stuff. Guess I should have chosen a different vocation. "Dr. Mero, Desert Reptile and Hereptologist."

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