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Central Ohio rim fire Bowling pin match @ OSU

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Winter .22 bowling pin match @ OSU range

(2121 Tuttle Park Pl, Columbus OH)

(edit) Monday Dec 22, 2008, Range opens 5:00 pm, shooting 5:30, may enter up

to 7:00pm when entries close.

2 dollar entry fee.

Questions: Coach Jim Sweeney


Edited by motorcycle_dan
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Same one? Date clarification.

Dec 22 @ 5:00 pm ,NOT the 28th/quote]

Yes it is the 22nd My original Flyer stated it wrong. I just got the revised flyer

So you'll be out of money buy'n presents for all them crumb crunch'n little yard apes

With the cold they will be stuck in the house with YOU.

YOU will NEED a reason to poke some high velocity lead downrange.

And since you are out of money, $2 for some rim fire action is a great deal.

Some new range records were set last pin match.

Make it a date and bring some friends.

If you don't own a .22, it is high time you did.

I'm bringing my 617 wheel gun

Tell Pat Scott to bring it on.

Stew Atwood as well.

I may not be very damn accurate, but by Gawd I'm slow.

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