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Need help with load data for 45acp 190gr.


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I did not find that mold on Lee's website.

If it looks like a 200gr SWC, just use data for that bullet. It will be close.

Just remember that .45ACP is a low pressure round, and don't try to hotrod it.

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I did not find that mold on Lee's website.

If it looks like a 200gr SWC, just use data for that bullet. It will be close.

Just remember that .45ACP is a low pressure round, and don't try to hotrod it.

This is a discontinued swc hollow point mold.

Thanks for your reply.

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7.5 is over a grain more than Hodgdon reccomends as max for similar bullets. I would NOT use that load without seeing data indicating it was not over max.

180 GR. LFP Hodgdon Universal .452" 1.140" 5.3 755 11,100 CUP 6.4 1019 17,600 CUP

200 GR. CAST LSWC Hodgdon Universal .451" 1.225" 5.8 889 13,900 CUP 6.3 962 16,800 CUP

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Hmmm.. well the 4 pound container of Universal that Im looking at now shows a max of 7.2g printed on the label. Alliants Unique which is obviously similar (but not identical) lists a max charge of 8.2g with a Gold dot. Is it over max? I guess so. I have had good accuracy, and velocity over 1000fps. Given that .45 acp max pressure for a +p load is about 6,000 psi higher than what Hodgden shows as max, I think that the 7.5g load is not outside the bounds of good judgement. Having said that, to each his own, and work up to any load especially those that are near max.

Edited by Hany
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