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I have the LW model from Jaeger. It has about 2000rds thru it now and works as good as the rest .According to people that watch me shoot, it is as flat as most comps for Major 9.I run a G-17 with 8/8.2 of HS-6 and a 124 = 169-171pf with a 15lb for maj. and 13lb for minor[140/150pf],a JP on a modified Carver mt. to keep if mounted foward of the ejection port ,the only way it will run .I tried a slide mounted JP,It didn't last long,would like to use a C-More but its to long, as I will not go The SJC route because of the cost.This is my 3rd or 4th Open Glock,over the last 4 or 5 yrs, and they all have the ejection port problem,I've done all the tricks,tighten the slide to frame,modified the ejector&extractor,rhea ejector[same results] still waiting for the smaller C-More model they previewed at the shot show ? I use two Taylorfreelance +10'S,unmodified = 28+1 .What we need is a lens size between the C-More and the rest and a 6 or 8 moa dot on these other models[burris fastfire,Ultra-dot LT] the LT has the larger lens but only a 4moa dot .

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dwt, have you lowered the port like Bobby says to do with his mounts? I've built quite a few Carver/CMore glocks and all have ran fine for me. some with hot loads and comps and others with bunny fart loads.

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