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A man was standing next in line at a checkout, when the attractive blonde

woman in front of him turned around and gave him a big smile."Hello," she

said, as she waited for her change.

"Er, I'm sorry. Do I know you?" The man said in some confusion.

"Oh, my mistake. I thought you were the father of one of my children,"

She said apologetically, and picking up her shopping, she left the store.

The man was astonished.

He thought, how amazing that a good looking woman like that should have

forgotten who fathered her children. Then he began to worry. He had had an

encounter in his youth that could have resulted in a child he didn't know

about. She had been blonde, pretty, and about the same height. On leaving

the store, he saw the woman getting into her car.

He ran over to her and said, "Look, you couldn't have been the girl I met

that night at a party in Hampstead, in 1980 could you? We shagged on the

billiards table in front of everyone, things got really wild and I got so

drunk that I didn't get your number."

The woman looked utterly outraged and said, "No! I'm your son's English


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  • 1 year later...

A guy goes to the supermarket and notices an attractive woman waving at him.

She says hello. He's rather taken aback because he can't place where he knows her from.

So he says, "Do you know me?"

To which she replies, "I think you're the father of one of my kids."

Now his mind travels back to the only time he has ever been unfaithful to his wife and says,

"My God, are you the stripper from my bachelor party that I made kinky love to on the pool table with all my buddies watching???"

She looks into his eyes and says calmly, "No, I'm your son's teacher."

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  • 1 year later...


A guy goes to the supermarket and notices an attractive woman waving at him.

She says hello.

He's rather taken aback because he can't place where he knows her from

So he says, "Do you know me?" To which she replies, "I think you're the father of one of my kids."

Now his mind travels back to the only time he has ever been unfaithful to his wife and says, "My God, are you the stripper from my bachelor party that I made love to on the pool table with all my buddies watching while your partner whipped my rear end with wet celery?"

She looks into his eyes and says calmly, "No, I'm your son's teacher."


Tap & Rack to clear!

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  • 7 months later...

A guy goes to the supermarket and notices an attractive woman waving at him. She says hello. He's rather taken aback because he can't place where he knows her from.

So he says, 'Do you know me?'To which she replies, 'I think you're the the father of one of my kids.' Now his mind travels back to the only time he has ever been unfaithful to his wife and says, 'Are you the stripper from the bachelor party that I made love to on the pool table with all my buddies watching while your partner whipped my butt with wet celery???

She looks into his eyes and says calmly, 'No. I'm your son's teacher.'

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Today you will want to find a way to imitate Harvey...

good joke BTW.

"Oh, yes! Yes. Yes - these things always work out just the way Harvey says they will. He is very, very versatile. Did I tell you he could stop clocks? Well, you've heard the expression 'His face would stop a clock'? Well, Harvey can look at your clock and stop it. And you can go anywhere you like - with anyone you like - and stay as long as you like. And when you get back, not one minute will have ticked by. ... You see, science has overcome time and space. Well, Harvey has overcome not only time and space - but any objections."

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This is just terrible. Either I missed reading a joke here, which would be just awful, or my mind is going. "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it."

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