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If you cast your own bullets


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Do an internet search for 'felix lube'. It smokes less and works better than all but LBT Blue soft lube. LBT Blue works almost as well and smokes about the same. Add 30% Mobil 1 grease to the Felix lube and it works even better but the gun gets slippery after a couple hundred rounds.

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Unfortunately, it has been my experience that if you shoot lead, you are going to have to deal with smoke. Just ain't no way around it. There are lubes that smoke a little less and those that smoke more, but once again, you can't get away from it.

I have tried many lubes on many different hardnesses of bullet. Every time I think I may have something, I have a test I put it through.

On a real humid morning when there is no wind, set up a bill drill between you and the sun. Most of the time the first mag isn't too bad, the smoke from the second mag begins to obscure the targets. The third magazine usually sets up a smoke screen that will require you to step to the side to see the targets. :surprise:

For me, It's a fact of life. Lead bullets with lube smoke. Even Precision Bullets smoke...even with vit N320

BUT....If you ever do find the holy grail of lead bullets and discover a "smokeless" lube, I"ll be the first in line to try it!!



Edited to add:

I have found Rooster Labs "Zambini" (red in color) hard lube and Thompson's "Blue Angel" hard lube to be on the lower end of smoky. Lee's alanox (sp) the "dip and dry" lube or anything that is a soft combination of beeswax and/or lanolin to be on the higher end of smokiness.


Edited by dajarrel
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Actually FMJ's with exposed lead bases will also smoke. Not near as bad as a lead bullet though.

There's something nostalgic about the old soft, beeswax type of lube's smell.

Last summer I shot an indoor Revolver Match with Lead Bullets in my M29. I didn't notice the smoke as an obstacle, kind of seemed cool running thru it after engaging 3 targets at one spot. Sunlight will definitely enhance the smokes obscuring properties in some conditions.

If you practice more than compete it would be worth the cost vs training to go with lead. If you compete more than practice the savings may not be worth it.

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I use the 2500 Lube. No heater needed. Price is perfect.

I was using the BAC lube but in the summer in Az it would run in the press if left overnight. Never had problems on the bullets but it would leak in the Star sizer. The 2500 lube has no smoke and doesn't run. I use it for my .38s and for my rifle bullets.

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The best lube is the Carnuba wax lube by White Label bullet lube. It is also very low smoke and cheap too.

I agree. I also use VVN320 and VVN340, but there is still smoke. No problem outdoors, but indoors it will distract you a little.

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I will have to say, that I have not noticed a lube smoke issiue on my cast boolist. Primarily due to the fact that all of my home cast have been shot over compressed loads of FFg or FFFg (Black Powder).

I have not really seen much smoke (relatively) shooting Lazer Cast with Blue lube over Unique.

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