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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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- I'm limiting myself because I want to win; I need to put that thought out of my head and just shoot to the best of my ability.

There ya go. Do that, and winning will come without trying.


  • 1 month later...

With the whole Tiger Woods eye blink thing, when I shoot precision rifle, before each shot I do a slow, smooth blink, with the idea that it closely resembles a trigger pull and also settles me into a calm, steady mind set. I also do alot of visualizing on some small problems I have when sitting around idle.


Interesting discussion. I have been practicing to do the opposite. I "turn it on" and am very focused while strategizing, comparing options, doing the walkthrough and burning my solution into memory. When it's time to shoot, I "turn it off".

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