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picking up brass


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Ya Know OL,

We found one of these on the road into the range this morning :D It does look like it works well, I just use a 3-year-old instead :devil:

Ray was asking about if we had seen it tho.

Uh....unless he is really diligent about not touching his face and washing his hand thoroughly before he eats after gathering that brass, you may want to rethink that plan. Lead isn't much off from calcium as far as the chemical structure is concerned. This is why it so quickly settles into your bone marrow where it takes a good bit of time to leech out. Lead for kids is extremely bad....Remember the ban on lead paint?

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Ya Know OL,

We found one of these on the road into the range this morning :D It does look like it works well, I just use a 3-year-old instead :devil:

Ray was asking about if we had seen it tho.

Uh....unless he is really diligent about not touching his face and washing his hand thoroughly before he eats after gathering that brass, you may want to rethink that plan. Lead isn't much off from calcium as far as the chemical structure is concerned. This is why it so quickly settles into your bone marrow where it takes a good bit of time to leech out. Lead for kids is extremely bad....Remember the ban on lead paint?


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He is good about not touching his face and we use some of those comercial "shooters" handiwipes before food. Usually he will spend most of his time re-arranging Dad's shooting bag or cart. Also, when he helps reset steel, he is wearing his gloves. For brass and shot shells, he really likes to use a Pik-stick tho. It is just that the stick is longer than he is tall and it affects his ability to pick things up. When he sees the Nut Wizard in action, we'll have to get him one to protect the others. :rolleyes:

Edited by Modoc
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shred - On grass, I would suggest still using one of those push cart brass picker thingy's (technical term). This thing is ridiculous with how well it works. Literally, just roll it over like you're roller paintin' a wall. As for which size, whichever one is a little bit narrower than a standard paint bucket is the one to get.


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