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I lost my gun belt/holster/mag pouches


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I shot a local fun match on Saturday. I went to dry fire tonight and can not find my gun belt combo. I called the range, but they say it has not turned up.

Bummer.... Lost black Cr Speed belt with blue trim, Ghost holster and 2 (SSI)Guga Ribas pouches in blue , 1 in black. Just in case someone tries to sell you something over the internet.

Pity party at my house while I scramble to purchase new equipemnt before the Gator classic next week.

Jerry Snyder

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Jerry. Got an extra set of everythng.. If you need it call me and I will get it to you.


I also have a complete back up rig you can use for the Gator. It is a 38" CR inner and outer belt, new style Ghost holster and three Safariland mag pouches. Except for the belt, should get you by for the Gator. I'm was planning on selling it, but I'll wait till after the Gator if you want to use it. Let me know I can bring it to the Alpha-Mike match this Sunday.

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Reminds me of the time that I got a call at 3am from my shooting rig...apparently he got drunk and picked a fight in a 1911/2011 bar and got himself arrested. I bailed him out, but made him sit in the tank overnight to think about what he did.



Best of luck getting your rig back!

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Reminds me of the time that I got a call at 3am from my shooting rig...apparently he got drunk and picked a fight in a 1911/2011 bar and got himself arrested. I bailed him out, but made him sit in the tank overnight to think about what he did.

Best of luck getting your rig back!

SWEET JEBUS !!! Those 1911's beat him till he was Black and Blue !


I crack myself up.

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