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Would there be any interest in a team match format? Every time an LE match of this type is posted it seems to get lots of interest. The team sniper match we just held at Tiger Valley maxed out at 40 teams and I was wondering if the concept would cross over to the 3-gunners. Again, it's just an idea in the works but I was looking for your feedback. We could use three or four man teams. Let me know what you think, I will be in Waco setting up the survival match until Monday. Thanks T.J.

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I think it would be nice to have one shooter per gun type. And mix the stages like a normal shoot, some single, double, and all three gun stages. Obviously safety and room to fit up to three guys in a stage would be a factor but as long as you could work out the logistics I think it would be a blast........ I pick for my all limited team Bruce Piatt for rifle, and Kurt can shoot the shotgun. I'll try not to hold them down by shooting my pistol. LOL :) A guy can dream right :)

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I think that is a good concept. TJ, you are just the guy to dream up some challenging stages. The team sniper matches have been a blast and I'm sure this would be too. You do a good job of letting the teams figure out the problems instead of telling them how to shoot it and see who is faster at the one way.


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York uses 3 man teams. All shoot handgun and rifle, one shoots shotgun. All stages are multiple gun. Each gun has designated targets however they are generally setup so strong shooters who finish an array faster can cross over and assist the other shooter(s).

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My idea is a 3-man team event. Some stages will require more of one type of weapons then others, but it is up to the team to solve the shooting problems with bullets or shot as they desire within the guide lines. One stage may best be run with three shotgun, but it is up to the team to make that decision. Let me see where I can put something like this and not conflict with other events. I don't want to put this together and not have anyone able to attend.

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need more info to attract team members. match format 1 or 2 days, one gun per shooter, change guns up between stages, all three guns and combine scores, prize table by????? , scoring method, ??????????????????????????? and of course WHEN.


Edited by bigbrowndog
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