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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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Almost forgot about you guys till Sandro called -

AND, I had to cram this into my dome for a test tomorrow:


iNOS (NOS induced expression in macrophage)

Essential for tumoricidal and bacterialicidal functions of macrophage.

Overproduction implicated in septic/cytokine induced circulatory shock.

eNOS (endothelial form of NOS)

eNOS has critical role in maintaining blood vessel tone especially in the arterioles. Overproduction can result in hypertension, thrombosis and Atherosclerosis. However, application as a gas is beneficial in treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. It has also been used for treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome.

nNOS (neuronal form of NOS)

Elimination of this gene in mice (knockout mice) show loss of control of intestinal muscles. Mice also show resistance to ischemic injury which produces vascular stroke.

Okay, back into the hole I crawled out of.

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let me see if I have this right

eNOS is a gas... it can help reduce typertension

I hope Brian doesn't get wind on this.

because he might brand it and charge us.

Brian eNOS its a gassss!

available in the forum.

lose all your tensions.

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a gas is a state of matter, consisting of a collection of particles (molecules, atoms, ions, electrons, etc.) without a definite shape or volume that are in more or less random motion. :rolleyes:

Yeah, we all need eNOS.

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We use Nitric Oxide (iNO) quite frequently in the NICU for PPHN... I love telling the Dads that their baby is being treated with "the inhaled form of Viagra."

The various reactions are priceless. :D

Edited by Sharyn
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