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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

USPSA (NROI) RO Training


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This may sound like an unsolicited advertisement, but I just got back from the two-day level 1 NROI Range Officer Class. I've been on the planet a while and been through a lot of training/education (military/civillian) and feel qualified to say that this was an excellent class, taught by an outstanding instructor (George Jones). Although I have been running shooters for a little while and thought I had a solid understanding of the USPSA rulebook, I learned a lot and feel I will be a much better RO (and shooter) for the experience. Big thanks to George Jones at NROI/USPSA, and the people that set this up: our Central Florida Area Coordinator (Tony Hyatt) and the guys at our sister club (notice that I didn't say "weak sister": that would be wrong) "Wildwood" Jesse, Woody and Rich. I strongly recommend this training (and instructor) to anyone or any club running shooters (even if only at the local/club level). They're at www.nroi.org


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