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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

A Suggestion For Match Directors


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I'm sure that I'm not the only shooter who proudly hangs every award earned at a shooting match in a "special place" and hopes that visitors will be at least a little bit impressed. :cheers:

My feedback for you MDs (or the staff) who order the awards... is that not everyone who sees them is a 10 year USPSA or IDPA shooter and often (maybe in an attempt to save a buck or two) the infomation on the awards are abreviated to the point where they are nearly impossible to decipher.

I can't tell you how many times I have had to explain what in the f__k . . . . HOA-REV ... 2nd CDP/SS... or my new favorite that I won last week 1st ESR-EX. WTF??????

Compare that to the following (hanging on my wall)

1st Place Expert Enhanced Service Revolver (wow that's english)

Revolver Division Champion -- that's pretty clear

You get the drift...... I'm not trying to pick a fight here.. I just think that If my great grandson (who is yet to be conceived) some day sees an award of mine.. it would be great if he had a clue what it was for.

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