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2009 High Desert Classic at Albuquerque

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Just got home to AZ. Another great match from Rod and the crew. Nice to see Squad 1 did so well on C Open. Had fun shooting with the Keehner's and Nancy and Jim and everyone else.


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Just got home to AZ. Another great match from Rod and the crew. Nice to see Squad 1 did so well on C Open. Had fun shooting with the Keehner's and Nancy and Jim and everyone else.


Glad you made it home Ok after that 6 hour drive. BTW, ya gotta be present to win that random draw STI Grandmaster. You were drawn, but not there. Just kidding. No such gun this time.

Take care :) Tater

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Hello: I have to say the guys in squad 3 ROCK! :cheers: Our squad had to be the fastest tapers since we were always waiting for the others to finish shooting. This match was a blast to shoot with high round counts and some very tricky stages with all sort of ways to shoot them. For me it did not go that well for some of the stages. Mostly operator error having not shot the CZ only 3 times before this match. The guys in squad 3 also took home some hardwear. I suggest to others that have not shot this match before to shoot it next year. Yes it was that much fun or heartache in my case :roflol: Thanks, Eric

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We were tested....

I've lived in Albuquerque for 30+ years. The climate is just plain wonderful, but there are always Spring winds. This year, the winds have been more intense, and more often, than I can remember.

Saturday afternoon we encountered winds we rarely see around here. Gusts sometimes made visibility under 50 yards. Occassionally, you just had to turn your back to it, hold your hat, and endure a sandblasting. How the stages actually stayed together so well is a mystery to me. The physical damage was minimal.

As MD, I was constantly aware of the possibility of stopping the competition due to the conditions. Polling the competitors thoughout the match, what I found was most remarkable. "We're all in the same boat", "Hey, I'm shooting, life is good", "Seen worse", "Can't do anything about it" ,"It's Saturday and I'm due for my shower anyway", "I wanna reshoot".

One shooter left a popper standing. Before he could protest, the wind blew it down. My call: RO touches it, it's a reshoot. Another shooter touches it, it's a miss. God touches it, it's a reshoot. Put's RO's on the same level as God. They liked that.

You get the idea. Positive, resilent competitors. I was amazed. We got through the day, didn't get too far behind schedule.

Love this game, love the spirit. Hat's off to the competitors that take 40 mph sand in the face and smile!!


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Here is my video of the match. I had alot of fun shooting most of the stages...other's I was bit by the sandstorm bug and have a couple of really bad jams. It was really cool to meet new Benos buddies along with reuniting other of friends I have met shooting around the southwest. Thanks to everyone that helped out and it was a pleasure to RO such a great bunch of folks!


Edited to add I think I used a pretty fitting soundtrack for this one! :lol:

Edited by Rocket35
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Any results yet?

Using StageScore (www.stagescore.com), the results wre printed and posted within about 10 minutes of last shot fired. But, I'm guessing that you are wondering where the scores are online. www.uspsa2.org has them up already. Jerry Mallard gets it done!

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I first want to say thanks for the crew for setting up such a great match. Some speed, tight, and technical shooting with plenty of hard cover and no shoots. I love this match, and have shot it for several years. Now I know why I come back year after year.....great stages, great people, and an all around great time(could have done without the bead blast on saturday). Rod, great job keeping things together considering the conditions. I met some new BE'rs at the match and look forward to seeing you all at another match in the near future. SQUAD 8 rocked the house and Phx was well represented. FYI, JASMAP did spend most of the nights locked in the bathroom, apparently he wont forgive me for stealing his lunch money when we were kids :) Jigger and August, you GOTTA make this match next year.

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Just got home to AZ. Another great match from Rod and the crew. Nice to see Squad 1 did so well on C Open. Had fun shooting with the Keehner's and Nancy and Jim and everyone else.


Squad 1 was the place to be for C Open...1st, 2nd and 3rd place...it was fun!

Enjoyed meeting the Arizona crowd, laughing, joking, and downright harassment!

Hey Pete, don't run with that thing in your mouth you might trip and fall.... :surprise:

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I first want to say thanks for the crew for setting up such a great match. Some speed, tight, and technical shooting with plenty of hard cover and no shoots. I love this match, and have shot it for several years. Now I know why I come back year after year.....great stages, great people, and an all around great time(could have done without the bead blast on saturday). Rod, great job keeping things together considering the conditions. I met some new BE'rs at the match and look forward to seeing you all at another match in the near future. SQUAD 8 rocked the house and Phx was well represented. FYI, JASMAP did spend most of the nights locked in the bathroom, apparently he wont forgive me for stealing his lunch money when we were kids :) Jigger and August, you GOTTA make this match next year.

You forgot to mention that you were 2nd overall and you shot Limited. Good Job!

Our squad (Squad 8) had 4 of the top 10 overall finishes (1st, 2nd, 3rd & 10th) with me pulling up the rear in 10th. Eddie shot a really solid match and so did John and it was good to see the whole squad have such a great time and still push each other.

Hats off to the RO's and the staff for enduring that wind and sand for both days and putting up with us shooters.

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Great match other than the fact that I am still trying to get sand out of everything including my colon. Squad 8 was just amazing to shoot on, and I also got to hang out with Robert, my new friend from Germany. Hey, is there any chance they could make a Garmin a first overall award for GM Open? Eddie's navigation skills to the Red Lobster gave us a unique and fascinating view of much of Albuquerque.

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Great match other than the fact that I am still trying to get sand out of everything including my colon. Squad 8 was just amazing to shoot on, and I also got to hang out with Robert, my new friend from Germany. Hey, is there any chance they could make a Garmin a first overall award for GM Open? Eddie's navigation skills to the Red Lobster gave us a unique and fascinating view of much of Albuquerque.

By the end of the match I could actually see a whole new shooter in you Rick. You seemed to really let loose more as the match progressed and your performance seemed to really improve. I think it helped us shooting with some really solid shooters.

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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who made this match happen. Great match even though I shot like a turd (No one's fault but my own) Was great shooting on squad 8 with all of the usual suspects and I do think our squad had more reshoots, and recalibrations on Saturday, than any squad ever in one single match day. This time however it was not Maples fault, just mother natures.

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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who made this match happen. Great match even though I shot like a turd (No one's fault but my own) Was great shooting on squad 8 with all of the usual suspects and I do think our squad had more reshoots, and recalibrations on Saturday, than any squad ever in one single match day. This time however it was not Maples fault, just mother natures.

Thanks Tony!! :roflol:

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What a great job of all the staff that put this match on. As you have heard, the conditions on Saturday really got bad.

As John said, the staff and the shooters pushed on through to keep the match going. :cheers:

Squad 10 was a bunch of great people as well, A lot of old freinds and some new ones. We had quite a few top finishers in our squad as well.

Congratulations to all of the Division and class winners !!!! :cheers:

The sponsors where very generous and a lot of shooters took something nice home.

A great big THANK YOU to: Scottsdale Gun Club, Brownells, Ergo Grips, Firebird Precision Firearms, Sierra Bullets, Truck Vault, Advantage Tactical Sights, Bar-Sto Precision Barrels, Uniquetek, Safariland, M2I Custom, Stage Score, Brian Enos,

Grams Engineering, Springer Precision, Lauer Custom Weaponry, Competition DVD, CPWSA, STI, The Bulletworks, Zero Bullets, Midway USA

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A HUGE thanks to the ROs and staff - this was an awesome match, and you guys did a hell of a job keeping everything running smoothly even with the sandstorms. This is why I keep coming back every year! :cheers: Squad 10 was an absolute hoot - got to shoot with some good friends and make some new ones too. Can't wait to see our group pic. My teeth are really clean, my skin is so soft and shiny, and I'm still trying to figure out how so much sand got inside my suitcase. See y'all next year!

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Huge thanks to the Match Staff and RO’s for a great match. All of the stages were challenging and fun. Sure the sand storms on Saturday sucked, but there was nothing we could do about it other than forage on and continue to have fun. I think that the Palm Pilot scoring with paper hard copy method of scoring worked great as well. Best of all though was the speedy awards ceremony with the prize table mixed in. I have not been to a lot of big matches but this was by far the fastest post shooting operation I have seen yet. HUGE thanks to everyone involved in making this match a fun event. I will be back next year for sure!!!!

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Squad 10 was the most fun. We had LEO's galore and they were great. As a bonus feature, we had "thegirl" who was rocking with her SV. The high junior , who will be a Master at age 16 when the next classifications run. And then there was me, the fat, weezing, broken body, smiling goof ball trying to play with the big boys. My favorite line of the weekend, was mine of course" This sport hurts, if it weren't so much fun, I'd go do something else. Hats off to Rod and his mates, you did well.

damon, I am coming for you......... B)

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Congrats to "thegirl" for taking Top Lady in Open and Top Lady Overall!

Nice shooting Rhonda... :)

:cheers: WOOHOO Thegirl was shooting good !!!

Squad 10 was the most fun. We had LEO's galore and they were great. As a bonus feature, we had "thegirl" who was rocking with her SV. The high junior , who will be a Master at age 16 when the next classifications run. And then there was me, the fat, weezing, broken body, smiling goof ball trying to play with the big boys. My favorite line of the weekend, was mine of course" This sport hurts, if it weren't so much fun, I'd go do something else. Hats off to Rod and his mates, you did well.

damon, I am coming for you......... B)

Shootingchef, I just don't know what to say about that, except you where shooting great and all those alphas was something to take notice of.

We had a (sand) BLAST at this match on squad 10

Edited by nm3gnr
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Hats off to the guy on Squad 3. You guys were awesome to shoot with and I think we were one of the fastest squads to tape the stages. Hats off to all of the staff and all of the other shooters. I am still getting all of the sand cleaned out. It was an excellent match and I look forward to the trip to shoot this one again next year.

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Cool stages, RO's and staff rocked, wasn't raining(save the mud balls that fell on Saturday) or cold as heck, Squad 5 had a ton of laughs...and took home some wood, extra sand and dust in my gun lapped in my new barrel so its like buttah, nice prize table, and generous sponsors. Top notch. See ya'll again next year!!!!!!!!!

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Hats off to the guy on Squad 3. You guys were awesome to shoot with and I think we were one of the fastest squads to tape the stages. Hats off to all of the staff and all of the other shooters. I am still getting all of the sand cleaned out. It was an excellent match and I look forward to the trip to shoot this one again next year.

Holy crap! Just how many BEers were on squad 3 with me and I didn't even know it? Eric, your name didn't even register with me out there. Sorry man.

Wind? There was wind? When, I missed it. It must have been what set off my Iraq flashbacks... Crap <_< that reminds me I have to go power up the air compressor and blow out all my gear. Ah, maybe tomorrow. Today I'm recovering from this really great sinus cold my wife gave me the day before the match.

Thanks to all the match workers and sponsers. It was a fun match. I have found a new respect for all those damned targets with hard cover leaving only a strip down the middle that's A zone wide. They are just evil.

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I first want to say thanks for the crew for setting up such a great match. Some speed, tight, and technical shooting with plenty of hard cover and no shoots. I love this match, and have shot it for several years. Now I know why I come back year after year.....great stages, great people, and an all around great time(could have done without the bead blast on saturday). Rod, great job keeping things together considering the conditions. I met some new BE'rs at the match and look forward to seeing you all at another match in the near future. SQUAD 8 rocked the house and Phx was well represented. FYI, JASMAP did spend most of the nights locked in the bathroom, apparently he wont forgive me for stealing his lunch money when we were kids :) Jigger and August, you GOTTA make this match next year.

I also forgot to mention that John (dbltapipsc) was High LE. I was 2nd LE but I got smoked by dbltapipsc.

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