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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Have at me!


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Someone shot some video at the last Arab IDPA match and got me. It's up on youtube, so it seems like I should post it here so everyone can gently :ph34r: critique what I'm doing.


It's a video collage (sorry; not my video)

I'm at:

0:26 (stage 1; 10 rounds; 0 down)

1:14 (stage 3; 12 rounds; 1 down)

2:28 (stage 5; 13 rounds; 6 :surprise: down)

So, I corner barrels slowly.

I'm 90% sure that 6 points down on the last stage includes a -5...my brain was trying to coordinate my lower body (scooching) and upper body (front sight) and barfed.

So, hit me.

Edit: I could have sworn I posted this in the Video Tips subform. I suck at the internets.

Edited by pwrtool45
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