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How to Travel with Cats and mother?!@#$

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I will soon have to take my mother 85 and her two cats on a long trip. Several nights in hotels and lots of driving. One Cat is mean as hell and likes to bite!

What I thought of so far is the cats must be in a harness and have a long lead attached to the vehicle that way when we stop at a rest stop we won't hunting for a lost cat.

Other than that I'm lost,

What about hotels???

Drug the cats????

All helpful commnets welcomed

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Large cat carriers/small dog carriers. Water bowl and food attaches to front. Do NOT open while traveling, for certain.

I am not sure I'd recommend taking them in and out of the cage any more than necessary. I traveled cross country with my 3, and they made out fine......... I did not take them out of carrier, just brought in hotel room, made sure to pet and soothe. The chances of losing a pet vs. being conservative and leaving in a large carrier for their safety was my deciding factor on how I did it. The large carriers give them room to move around, sleep, etc., and they are safe and you don't have a scared animal loose. Best of luck.


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I will soon have to take my mother 85 and her two cats on a long trip. Several nights in hotels and lots of driving. One Cat is mean as hell and likes to bite!

What I thought of so far is the cats must be in a harness and have a long lead attached to the vehicle that way when we stop at a rest stop we won't hunting for a lost cat.

Drug the cats????

Talk to your local vet.

Mine gave me a sample of some cat pheromones, for my cat that we take on vacation.

It was a spray bottle that I sprayed in a small travel animal container. It worked quite well.

How long of a long road trip are we talking?

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Before we take our cats to/from Texas to wherever, we get some 'kitty Prozac' (tranquilizer) from the vet. No problem then. Maybe you could get a similar scrip for your Mom! We have a SUV & let them out of the carrier inside the vehicle @ stops so they can take care of their business.

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The pheromones can be purchased at most pet stores under the name "Feliway". They make a similar product for dogs.

Works wonders.

Tranqs are also a good idea. The less traumatic the trip on the cats the faster they will adjust to the new place.

You might want to give the cats some too. ;)

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Take cleaning supplies. Some cats get car sick, and puke.

I don't know about cats, but my dogs STINK when on road trips. They get upset and nervous. Nothing like a mix of wet-dog and doggie-breath for 600 miles. Take some air freshener.

We brought our dog from Orlando to Boise via airplane as checked luggage. We gave him food, and extra water, plus a favorite blanket. There was a plane change in Denver. My wife was watching the luggage unload, hoping to get a glimps of her precious baby. She saw him! The crate fell off the conveyor belt, the door popped open, and the dog ran for it!!! He headed straight away from the terminal and under a couple of nearby planes moving on the taxiway. She tried to go out the emergency exit, and set of the alarm. It took a little while for her to convince security that she wasn't a nutcase. Twenty minutes later, a couple of baggage handlers came around the corner with the dog. They loaded him back in the crate and sent him on his way. Luckily, he was wearing a leash, or they would never have caught him! I always tell people to put a leash on their dog in the crate, and to tie-wrap the door shut.

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It depends on the cat. One of my likes is extremely laid back and travels very well. I just carry him out to the car and he will chill on the seat next to me. The other one however with scream MEOW that whole time she is in the car. When I moved from KC to DC the vet gave me some anti-histamines for her to get here just a little loopy and she was fine. I set a travel litter box on the floor of the back seat and never let the cats out of the car. I wouldn't let them out of the car and put them in carriers to and from the car. With mine I left to doors open one I was moving and it worked for them.

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