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2009 Area 8 Championship

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Sounds like I will be visiting my family in the Washington DC area next year! But dang, August is HOT down there. :surprise:


Am already planning on addressing that as much as I can, although this last Aug (2008) the weather wasn't that bad.


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Sounds like I will be visiting my family in the Washington DC area next year! But dang, August is HOT down there. :surprise:


Am already planning on addressing that as much as I can, although this last Aug (2008) the weather wasn't that bad.



Is Fredericksburg your home club?


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Seth, While that sounds really nice at first read, it adds at least one night to most peoples trip. Think of cost to the shooters. If the match can be run similar to Summer Blast there is no reason that people can't stay and party Saturday night if they wish to, but that way they don't have to stay.

I am 100% in favor of a one day format and if it is mathematically possible to do it, 200% in favor of a 1/2 day format.

Ask Larry Houck how he does it. Summer Blast is "The Model" for a 10 stage 1/2 day format match.


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I went to A8, Summer Blast, VA-MD Sectionals and NC Sections this year. All were shoot and scoots.

The matches were fun to shoot, but they lacked ANY social component which would've been nice. I appreciate the travel/ cost issues, but this is supposed to be our BIG weekend of shooting. Instead it felt like a 300 mile drive to shoot and a 300 mile drive home, instead of an event.

There were basically no vendors, no meet and greets, no meals, no parties, nothing social. It feels unsatisfying. I, for one, would happily spend more money and time to have an opportunity to spend the weekend.


I want to put my hands on Toys I'd never otherwise see. I want to fondle exotic product from all sorts of manufacturers. I want to try new things. I spent a LOT of money this year on shooting. New guns, press, ammo, primers, travel, etc... If I had a chance to play with a toy from somebody I hadn't heard of or something I don't have access to, I might have made different buying decisions.

Plus with the economy changing, I want MORE bang for my travel dollar. If I have to be careful about what and where I spend my money, I want to have the best time with discretionary income I can.

Edited by Sethmark
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Hopefully we can all get together on this one - it'll be like old times!

Per the thread....

Add me to the list of shooters who LOVE the 1/2 day format. It allows for either partying or scooting - shooter's preference. Plus you might get home at a reasonable hour or you might get to the match without having to wakeup at 2am.

I don't believe a two-day format will promote vendors coming out to the match- will it? how? Plus, then you would force shooters onto very large squads which make for lotsa non-shooting time while on a stage - which might be social, but not necessarily what all shooters are looking for- I think? How about a poll?

Alan - maybe the results of a poll would help the Area 8 match committee on format.

Sethmark -Any ideas on some questions from your point of view, like what kinda vendors would make you more likely to come to a match? What kinda events would you like to see - a formal dinner? a roundtable discussion on specific topics?

also, one other point - even if a poll says that vendors would help in draw to a match - you still have to get the vendors to come out - that is a whole 'nother issue with a whole 'nother set of requirements and additional draw on volunteer time.

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As for the volunteer time, I have already extended that offer to Alan. While the ideas are still in their infancy, there WILL be something. I have offered to help them anyway I can.

As for Vendors, all they want is to sell product. They sell product by seeing lots of people -- the more contact, the more sales.

People want to shoot a great match and have some fun. If Alan puts on a great show that entices lots of shooters to attend, the vendors will come.


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With a 1/2 day format I know I would be much more inclined to stick around the vendor tent for a while.

I always supported them at matches anyway just to show my appreciation, even if it was me just getting a few followers or buffs.

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In my opinion, a 1/2 day format can be MUCH more beneficial to vendors than a whole day or multi day match. With a 1/2 day match I get to the range a couple hours early, I have time to look around, then I shoot and scoot or stay and buy (depending upon whether I shoot AM or PM) with a whole day, I don't have the extra time as I am arguably busy all day. With a two day, it depends, I may shoot AM/PM or PM/AM if I shoot PM/AM I am not too likely to hang out Saturday night to party as I need to be on the range early, And I am also less likely to hang out after I shoot as I have to travel to get home Sunday night. If I get the AM/PM I may have some time to party and look around, but really no more than I would have in a 1/2 day format, maybe less as for sure after I shoot Sunday afternoon, I need to boogie.

One other way to run a match is 1/2 days Fri and Saturday with a slightly larger squad size on Sunday so that Sunday runs about 2/3 the total number of shooters as two 1/2 days would. This allows the match to get put away Sunday afternoon, or at least started upon which gives the staff time to go home as well.

All said, you can also sometimes get more volunteer help with a 1/2 day format, A person can shoot Saturday morning and then work the rest of the weekend, with a two-day match, he has to shoot Friday to work as he is busy the whole weekend.

I am just happy that the match will be held. And that I can likely combine it into a Family vacation trip.


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Why are the West Coast matches run differently? The Rio Salado Desert Classic is 3 days, with a competitor banquet Saturday nite.

Why the culture shift here?

Rio --- never been there but I've heard that A.) it's a kick-ass great match and B.) it's got a kick-ass great loaded prize table. Add to that the length of time the match has been in one place, and the time it's had to build a following (Talk to Larry sometime about how the Summer Blast has grown since its inception) and it's no wonder that it sells out despite a multiday format. Also --- distances tend to be longer in the West --- so is it really feasible for people to drive, shoot the match and drive home in the same day?

New Jersey to Northern Va. makes that possible --- not pretty but possible. I've spent a fair amount of vacation time in Virginia over the years; I'm no longer interested in hanging out there unless I'm visiting relatives in Charlottesville; that's not meant to be a slam in any way --- I like the time I've spent exploring Va. --- but I've got other places I'd like to explore in the foreseeable future....

Last but not least --- there's a way to make the schedule work to accommodate people who want to shoot the match in 1 day while accommodating others who want to shoot it in two......

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Speaking only for myself (not knowing whether I'll attend for sure) I prefer a 1/2 day format; if the only option for shooting would be over two days I wouldn't be attending. I understand the sentiment of wanting it to be an event but some folks don't have the time or inclination to attend an event. If we're talking 10 or so stages then personally I just want to shoot, tour the vendors, and then leave in most instances because that's how much time I have get to the match and back. A big factor for me as well is the time it takes to shoot the match; if a match can/could be shot in 4-5 hours (like Summer Blast) then I'd rather do it in a day and be done. If its longer match that's takes a full day to shoot like the FL Open then multiple days would be better so you're not trying to shot while exhaustion is setting in from a full day in the sun.

What about offering both formats; as an example from this years FL open you could shoot the match in one day on Friday or over 2 days (Sat and Sunday).

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I think that if we really want a multi day match we need to consider something akin to a nationals size stage count. I don't see 2 days to shoot 9-10 stages. Not pistol. I really do not want to have 18 people on a squad and take 1-1/2 hours to shoot a 20 round stage. BORING!

This sport is and needs to remain fast paced or it will not remain.

Summer Blast is the Perfect Model of a 10 stage match.


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We're actually saying 2 different things. I don't think they should STRECH 10 stages into 2 days, I think there should be enough extracuricular activities to encourage folks to stick around (or get there early) to enjoy get more out of the event.

If I am going to drive 300miles, I want something to do the night before and/ or night after.

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