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Politically Correct Stage Designs

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This will probably be a tough question to answer as I do not want to reveal the stage ideas (hint: if you oppose capital punishment, one of these stages would probably not be for you)......

I was thinking about a couple of stages and came up with a couple of ideas that I don't think I've seen before. I bounced them off a couple of local shooters, who thought they 'sounded good' but were not sure how 'politically correct' they were.

Since we shoot 'humanoid targets' and steel that looks like 'parents and the kids', is any stage really politically correct? Should I just design away, and not worry about it?

I suppose the fact that I even am asking this question might tell me I am getting a little far out there..... :ph34r:

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Now I remember a stage from a local match last year that had a picture of some scantily clad young ladies at a fault line where you had to engage some steel and paper...

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(hint: if you oppose capital punishment, one of these stages would probably not be for you)......

Go for it. One stage I built for the Golden Gate match named "The Rock" after the movie & Alcatraz prison had an electric chair, water balloons, and a functional lawn sprinkler/decontamination shower.

Way back in the day, right after the first RoboCop movie I built a stage with a female hostage that required that you knock down a popper by shooting between the hostage's legs just like RoboCop shot the bad guy in the .... movie.

I used an old Tee shirt for the hostage's skirt as soft cover (just like in the movie) and to make sure that everyone knew it was a female hostage I used another Tee shirt with a pair of balloons underneath. What I didn't tell anyone, the balloons were partially filled with cranberry juice. B)

You guessed it, a wiseacre shot the balloons. The reaction was priceless. :o

I've thought about making bleeding no-shoots by glueing ketchup packets to a no-shoot then painting the whole thing white or covering it with a sheet of white paper.

But then everyone knows I ain't politically correct or even correct most of the time.

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"I've thought about making bleeding no-shoots by glueing ketchup packets to a no-shoot then painting the whole thing white or covering it with a sheet of white paper."

That would be priceless...ESPECIALLY at an IDPA match...I may have to steal that one... :lol:

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At our last Level III Nationals, we had one stage that you had to start by knocking over a clothing store mannequin shaped like a woman's body and head. Knocking it over activated the swingers. From the start position, the fastest way to knock her down and get those swingers moving was to slam your weak hand into her right breast as the strong hand completed the draw. For that match, which had lots of media coverage, we did dress her discretely in a shirt and ninja head scarf.

Having built that start mechanism for the Level III, we've used her since in a few club matches. She is not always discretely dressed and has taken some abuse, especially in that right breast.

Definitely not politically correct... :ph34r:

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considering the present political climate and the media demonizing guns and their owners/users :angry: our whole sport and others like it is "politically incorrect." so the heck with them, our sport calls for the organized firing of firearms in competition, not petting puppies :P . we are safely shooting (or try to shoot) cardboard and steel targets in ranges, not burning crosses in peoples back yards. forget about the ignorant masses, if it's fun and the other shooters don't mind, then i say go for it!

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  • 1 month later...

I am probably in the minority , but I think the USPSA should move away from "huminoid" targets and "politically incorrect" stages in general. While I am a diehard progunner , lifetime NRA member and such , I think that the risk of negative press in our sport is just to great. I mean all it would take is some crazed lunatic who happened to be a former or current IPSC shooter to go postal and you would see what I'm talking about. You would have the press crawling around matches composing a not so flattering picture of our sport. Just some food for thought.


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They have already been there and done that.

Giving in to the idiots means they win and we lose. Bottom line is that they think we are all evil for enjoying (gasp) the responsible use of firearms, and nothing...and I mean nothing we do will change that...short of giving up all our guns.

And that isn't an option.

"Politically correct" translates to "condones racist and sexist policies instead of allowing folks to compete on a level playing field."


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Depends on how 'politically correct' you need to be. I would say go for it Brian. Some of my favorite non-politically correct references:

Buddha, Socrates, Jesus.......

Of course, you must be willing to take the consequences of your incorrectness........ ;)

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IPSC is nothing but big boys and girls playing "pretend" with guns. Some of the most memorable stages/matches of my 17 year involvement shooting IPSC were non-PC type stages. My suggestion, do what you think will work but try and keep it tasteful and respectful. Use good judgment. If you think that the idea will stirr up a storm...avoid it. That doesn't mean you can't have a bit of "unconventional fun" every now and then. ;)

For those whom feel that "humanoid" targets are a no-no, use the Classic target. Most people that dislike the classsic don't do so because of a lack of a "head box". They do so because the "A" zone is smaller. Makes it harder to hose. It's a great target that serves a particular purpose.

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  • 2 years later...

Cool! A thread that's almost three years old!

It's interesting how my attitude about stage design has changed in the last few years. I, like many people, have grow very weary of Political Correctness. Anybody attending a practical shooting competion of any type probably isn't offended by the idea of a stage scenario in which a "bad guy" might get killed.

Ameoba targets and clown faces ain't gonna win over any of the sob sisters that hate guns and shooting. Carnival games are for bb guns.

I say we kill bad guys, and plenty of them, in all our stages. B)

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well I take it you can't put towels on the heads............

Those aren't towels, they are sheets.... you know... sheet heads.



if you could scare up a surplus Van de Graff generator you could probably make a neat "show" of a "electric chair." You might even catch it on fire.


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....Ameoba targets and clown faces ain't gonna win over any of the sob sisters that hate guns and shooting. Carnival games are for bb guns.

I say we kill bad guys, and plenty of them, in all our stages. B)

PC and private gun ownership - not on the same page. PC and gun games - Not - "We" will NEVER be PC.

Appeasement of the "opposition" is not the solution. Face it and live with it.

Edited by Merlin Orr
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lol One of the shooters in the club I shoot with set up a stage with a rabid dog target that had a "baby" (A, C and head area) in its mouth. This Christmas I did the raindeer and elf shoot and it was a good time, everyone that shot it said they liked it and most of them shot it a second time.

Joe W.

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