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Flag Stolen


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In my garage, over my reloading bench, I had 2 flags hung up...one with stars and stripes, one with stars and bars. The flag with stars and bars, a beauty in canvas, was handed down to me from my dad, who got it from his dad, who got it from his dad, etc. I went out into the garage yesterday and it was GONE. Also MIA was a red box containing 20 HOT JHP w/birdshot 9MM rounds I had loaded for testing, and oddly enough, my Steve Anderson book. I suppose they took whatever was handiest, as I was just pushing the mower around the back yard for 5 minutes, and the garage door was half closed. They left a bent nail on the wall from ripping the flag down in a hurry.

The dollar amount isn't what bothers me, but the fact that some shizzleheaded ingrate took my flag really burns my backside. I would love the opportunity to show the dingus how I would like to utilize the box of bullets he stole. :angry2: Damned thieves...even my upscale suburban subdivision has them these days. How I wait for the day where I can buy a free standing property where the dogs can roam at will and give warning of visitors. I'm so mad I'm near speechless. The book and ammo can be replaced quickly, but the flag is irreplaceable. Hopefully the dipshizzle has a 9mm that can't handle major well, and his gun explodes in his hands.

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In my garage, over my reloading bench, I had 2 flags hung up...one with stars and stripes, one with stars and bars. The flag with stars and bars, a beauty in canvas, was handed down to me from my dad, who got it from his dad, who got it from his dad, etc. I went out into the garage yesterday and it was GONE. Also MIA was a red box containing 20 HOT JHP w/birdshot 9MM rounds I had loaded for testing, and oddly enough, my Steve Anderson book. I suppose they took whatever was handiest, as I was just pushing the mower around the back yard for 5 minutes, and the garage door was half closed. They left a bent nail on the wall from ripping the flag down in a hurry.

The dollar amount isn't what bothers me, but the fact that some shizzleheaded ingrate took my flag really burns my backside. I would love the opportunity to show the dingus how I would like to utilize the box of bullets he stole. :angry2: Damned thieves...even my upscale suburban subdivision has them these days. How I wait for the day where I can buy a free standing property where the dogs can roam at will and give warning of visitors. I'm so mad I'm near speechless. The book and ammo can be replaced quickly, but the flag is irreplaceable. Hopefully the dipshizzle has a 9mm that can't handle major well, and his gun explodes in his hands.

ABout the flag from your dad.... I'm sorry for the loss. :angry2:

About the gun blowing up with the major load. :D I don't know if God listens to such prayers, but there's one on the way. ;)

Edited by JThompson
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Hit the flee market next weekend ...Take your camera and very first thing if you find it is take a photo of the flag and the vindor. The vindor will most likely get mad. 'have a plan in place' = Tell them you are ready to buy back your family flag -but- it will be at $20 and if you get ANY hesitation your going to the police <_< It could work

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