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Lotto tickets


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I hate lotto tickets. I was at a convenience store getting gas and a soda today and they guy in front of me was playing the lotto. Not I'm not going to make any judgements on weather or not the guy should have been playing, he's a grown-up. I know some people think the lotto is a stupid tax, I don't care one way or another. What I hate is how damn long some people spend getting their tickets, scratch offs, quick picks, whatever. This guy would buy a scratch off and then scratch it off right there! Then buy another. I finally had to say something. Kinda take the conveniente part out of the convenience store. :angry:

The best one was when some lady bought $50 worth of tickets and was SOOOOO happy because she won $40 on one of the tickets. WOW spend $50 and get back $40. If she wants I'll give her $40 for $50 any day.

Sorry, just had to vent.

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The best one I have seen was a woman buying groceries with food stamps and buying 75 lotto tickets with cash. Is there something wrong with the system?

No way!! That kinda thing does NOT happen here :P I don't think I would've been able to keep my trap shut at that sight.

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You can't win if you don't play.I play the same set of numbers twice a week on Powerball.I don't play the scratch off games.I know one guy who spends up to $200 a week on scratch off tickets.About once a month he will hit a $500 winner and brag but he spent $800 that month to win it.He might win $75-$100 on the other tickets but that still puts him about $200 in the hole each month.

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I look at it this way...

We spend what, $240-$500 a month shooting (Figure gas to and from the range, match fees, ammo, ammortized equipment costs, food and the inevitable things we buy or do so that we can get out on all those weekend days to shoot)

Maybe scratch-off would be cheaper?


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I look at it this way...

We spend what, $240-$500 a month shooting (Figure gas to and from the range, match fees, ammo, ammortized equipment costs, food and the inevitable things we buy or do so that we can get out on all those weekend days to shoot)

Maybe scratch-off would be cheaper?


Yeah but then we would miss out on all those great sound bang clang bang clang,.... or in my case bang hmmmm bang where did that one go bang hmmmmmm. Besideds guns are much nicer to look at. You don't see too many pic threads on some dudes cool new lottery ticked.

My grandma played tri-state-megabucks and scratch tickets for their inception in NH. She won thousands of dollars in her lifetime :surprise: Spent tens of thousands of dolllars :blink::blink:

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I'll have you know I won High Old Fart a couple times. Now I'll have 6 weeks to play with you youngsters again till I once again become a Senior.


Interestingly enough I get to spend a couple days each year at industry meetings in places like Foxwoods, Mohegan Sun or AC. So far I have managed to spend $0 on other than food and lodging. But it is a lot of fun to watch some of the people. Actually it can be quite sad. Remember, the casinos build all those big resorts on the money you win, right?


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I'll have you know I won High Old Fart a couple times. Now I'll have 6 weeks to play with you youngsters again till I once again become a Senior.


Interestingly enough I get to spend a couple days each year at industry meetings in places like Foxwoods, Mohegan Sun or AC. So far I have managed to spend $0 on other than food and lodging. But it is a lot of fun to watch some of the people. Actually it can be quite sad. Remember, the casinos build all those big resorts on the money you win, right?


That was always a head scratcher for me too Jim. When people tell me how much they have won at the casino I wonder how do they stay in business? You win I mean work for the lottery. I bet your job is safe. There seems to be no shortage of palyers.

I will admit I do play mega millions on occasion. Maybe 2 or three times a year.

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Hey I think the lotto is about as bad odds as you can find, but I don't hold anything against people who play, I just hate when people spend time picking out lotto tickets seeing if they're winners (even though they can clearly see on the ticket weather or not they won) scratching off more tickets, and picking out even more. All this while I'm trying to pay for my gas. I might even buy a big jackpot ticket every now and then, but I at least have the courtesy to not get take too damn long when there are people behind me.

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They just opened the casinos in PA. They pay back a pretty high percentage. The 2 closest to me are doing 30-45 million a week in wagers. They pay about 55% in taxes to the state and still end up around 1-2 million a day left over. No wonder it was 500 million for the licenses. Having them local sure did cut down all the old people getting on a bus to give NJ their money. Now they give it to PA and we all know that the Gov. is going to lower our taxes with all the money it takes in.......

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They just opened the casinos in PA. They pay back a pretty high percentage. The 2 closest to me are doing 30-45 million a week in wagers. They pay about 55% in taxes to the state and still end up around 1-2 million a day left over. No wonder it was 500 million for the licenses. Having them local sure did cut down all the old people getting on a bus to give NJ their money. Now they give it to PA and we all know that the Gov. is going to lower our taxes with all the money it takes in.......

Where in PA? I grew up in western PA, but havent been back in 10 years.

In high school, I worked at a place where they sold scratch-off. I was shocked at how many were sold to people obviously unable to afford them. One guy was known for dumpster diving for pop cans. I guess I'd rather they by lotto tickets than alcohol.

I have to admit one of my decadent indulgences is a Powerball ticket. I'll buy one every couple of months, usually right before I have to sit through one of those all day off-site staff meetings at work. Somehow, it is fun to daydream about winning, instead of paying attention to my boss. I particulary enjoy imagining ways to get fired. I could stop supressing my thoughts and say whatever came to mind, call people on their BS, and throw out outrageous ideas. Of course, knowing my luck, I'd get a promotion...

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(thread drift on)

GentlemanJim wrote:

I have been in line to pay for gas when someone got a hundred dollars in tickets

That hundred dollars might be better spent buying some stocks. A C-note will get about 16 shares of Smith and Wesson stock right now:


(drift off)

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What I hate is how damn long some people spend getting their tickets, scratch offs, quick picks, whatever. This guy would buy a scratch off and then scratch it off right there! Then buy another. I finally had to say something. Kinda take the conveniente part out of the convenience store. :angry:

+1! I HATE getting stuck in line trying to pay for gas or a drink behind some yahoo buying lottery tickets and playing at the counter. Nothing like having to wait 10 minutes to hand the clerk my cash while some idiot scratches away in futility and buys several more when the first few don't work out. What's with that anyway? Why not just buy 'em all up front? If you win the damn lottery, the expense of those extra tickets isn't really going to be an issue, now is it? I REALLY HATE seeing people buying food with food stamps, along with a sh!tload of lottery tickets and cigarettes. They supposedly can't afford to feed their family, but there's apparently plenty of excess cash for worthless pieces of paper and a couple cartons of lung darts. Disgusts me! :angry2:

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"They" aren't buying food with food stamps to feed their family and cigarettes and lotto with cash.

"WE" are buying food for them and their family while they use their cash to buy non-essentials.

I think that if food stamps were taken away, then some of these people would starve whilst smoking and scratching off lotto tix.


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All good points mentioned above about how people can't afford to feed their families and all. I work as a Frito Lay Route Salesman. I am in about 8-10 different stores a day and all of them sell Lottery tix.

For me, in my line of work, I have to wait and wait just to be checked in and then once I'm finished re-stocking the shelves and racks with new product, I then have to wait and wait in line again to settle up with the store, before I can even place an order for the next visit. I see all types of people buying the lottery, from professional types buying the Mega Millions to little older ladies that can hardly get around, trying to what the numbers are on the tickets to the obvious bums that all they care about is their lottery tickets, cigs and beer. Then they want to ask me if I can give them an extra bag of chips or if I have any stales that I'm throwing away and give to them. All this after they just spent 15-20 bucks on lottery, cigs and beer.

If I added up all the time I spent waiting in line for the guy behind the counter to check me in and then to settle up w/ me, heck, I might actually have enough time to get home to enjoy my family before my kids go to sleep and I have to go to sleep to start it all over again.

Boy, I love the lottery!

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I don't argue too much about folks buying lottery tickets. Hell, I bought one. Only one! I felt that it was the right thing to do since my son went to the University of New Mexico for three and a half years on the Lottery Scholarship. Saved me a few bucks. He graduated Cum Laude with a degree in EE. I've also been in a casino once. Working a trouble ticket for Qwest (phone company). Fixed the T1 and laughed at all of the "winners" as I walked out the door.

I recall one famous court case here in NM where a fellow lost ALL his money, including savings, sold all his vehicles, took out a second mortgage on his house, borrowed money from his relatives and lost everything. He then proceeded to lose all of that. He decided to sue the state who had legalized gambling. He lost the highly publicized court case. He then appealed the decision all the way to the state Supreme Court and lost there also. Let's see, lose EVERYTHING gambling then let a lawyer talk you into sueing the state. Then using the same lawyer for two subsequent appeals. Not a smart man!



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