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Texas state carbine match

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Hey I put them in as far as I could LOL, Cigar smoke made for last night shooting in the dark. :surprise:

Superfly: We missed you on the cleanup. Taking those "T" poles out of the ground was tuff. I had a tuff time looking through the cigar smoke and should have asked for a reshoot ;-) Good job. Thanks, Eric
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Do we know how many people are shooting the match?

I can answer that. We are up to 67 shooters.

Being the Club Secretary may I join you guys for Dinner too? :cheers:

Nice to meet you.. and all the folks that came to dinner..

'Rodeo Clown' :cheers: You ROCK!

6 Hour drive home. Wondering what place we might have placed.

And you have the scores all tabulated and posted on line..

Thank you. Coastal Bend for a fun match!

Jim Morris M ammo

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Superfly, thanks for all your hard work and also for running Stage 1. Are you sure you do not want split that brass with me? :D

Aircooled 6, good to hear that everything went well for you, but I am not sure why they kept putting your score sheet at the bottom of the pile. :angry2:

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:blush: I let -Some Guy- :unsure: with Iron sights beat me :blush: Im SOB #1 and two Open shooters beat me too.

Ok That was the first Rifle match for me to even see, and it was :goof: FUN :goof:

Thanks to the CB crew for a great match. = it was worth leaving at 4:30 am. All the RO were worn out but they still made the match fun and interesting.

<_< Its just like handgun but slower B)

Edited by AlamoShooter
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I don't feel so bad now. Looks like 10 seconds seperated 1st through 8th places in tac scope, and I was in there!!! Benny, I'm gonna beat you at something, some day. You got me by 2 points at last years Summer Blast and less than 6 seconds at this match. Too bad this wasn't hand grenades, at least I could brag about being close.

See ya'll next year. :cheers:

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A huge thanks to Coastal Bend Shooters for an outstanding match. Thanks also to those who were able to join us for some good food and a few laughs at the Longhorn Saturday night - we had a total of 19 for dinner so it was a respectable turnout.

Loved the stages and the RO's were great. Favorite stage was probably #6 - several options available to the shooter and lots of opportunity for risk vs. reward depending on where you decided to engage certain targets from.

The open squadding really worked well too - much better than I expected quite honestly. The only thing that really nags at me is T12 on Stage 2 - (2 Mikes / FTN) - total cost = 10 seconds!! Both my shots were about 1/4" low, almost touching, and into the hardcover!!

Biggest lesson re-learned is that you've GOT TO GET YOUR HITS with IDPA scoring. As an example, take a look at Jerry M's accuracy - he was only down 16 points (8 seconds) for the ENTIRE MATCH. Most of us mere mortals lost that many points on just one stage. He didn't always have the fastest run time on each stage but he was typically among the most accurate.

Thanks again to all the guys from Coastal Bend Shooters who made this happen. When are we doing it again??


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Hmmm, I (and the group of shooters I was with) wasn't a big fan of the open squadding thing, mainly due to the shooters who would just walk up to a stage and declare that they absolutely had to go first and shoot through. "I have to drive for xxx hours and go to work in the morning!" I was 5.5 hours out and waited my turn. That, and shooters who would drop off their scoresheets at a stage and then leave. IMO, inconsiderate. My vote is for real squadding next year, and no shoot-thru's.

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Hmmm, I (and the group of shooters I was with) wasn't a big fan of the open squadding thing, mainly due to the shooters who would just walk up to a stage and declare that they absolutely had to go first and shoot through. "I have to drive for xxx hours and go to work in the morning!" I was 5.5 hours out and waited my turn. That, and shooters who would drop off their scoresheets at a stage and then leave. IMO, inconsiderate. My vote is for real squadding next year, and no shoot-thru's.


Wow - I didn't see anybody shooting through (except for ROs who hadn't finished the match on Saturday) and didn't realize it was a problem. The only thing I didn't like about open squadding was the lack of teamwork taping and resetting on some stages - the lack of a cohesive squad (team) meant that a lot of shooters felt little or no obligation to help out.

Guess I got really lucky in the order I shot the stages, but I had finished 5 by the time we broke for lunch and knocked out the last 2 and was on the road by 1:20 that afternoon. I scouted a lot and and went to stages that had the smallest waiting list - heck, I was able to walk up and shoot with almost no wait on three stages (1, 4, and 7). Tried really hard to shoot the stages with the longest re-set first since those usually bottleneck later in the day. Maybe my experience wasn't typical - what time did the rest of you guys finish shooting?

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<_< I really had never seen a Rifle match before, BUT I have been to a few :blink: matches. I followed Trapr and the Big Dog crew so that I could get educated some.

Open Squadding was always a problem at Sporting events some would breeze through and think it was great and some would hit every bottle neck and think it was terrible.

Some of the ROs watched for the double stage shooters. I know that the Big Dog guys did not get much special treatment on shooting through= I shot with them as they all were very nice in trying to help me, I got to the range by 7:40am and I think I was the very last shooter to complete the match at 4:05 + or-

One funny thing <_< funny to me- was when we went to stage five and a group was ahead of us, so my buddy goes to the John. The group ahead finishes -Stuart gets drawn first and he is not present, so I think the RO tagged him as a stage jumper and pulled his score sheet. And it ended up on the bottom of the next squads stack :blink: He wouldn't even let him shot last on our squad :unsure: . = It was funny and wasn't funny at the same time. The deal is the ROs were watching for stage jumpers. Stuart ended up being the last shooter of the day on that stage, he never did see the joke in it.

But thats My JOB <_< to see the Joke in things.

The ROs did a great job & every one at the event made my first time a good experience.

Open squadding can work with very small "squads" or groups. The match has got to give a stage tag =like a poker chip with a # on it to each shooter, when that shooter get to a stage he give his chip to establish his place in line. you don't get the chip back until you finish the stage. and you can not get in line at the next stage unless you have your (Chip #)

If the Chip has the shooters Competitor # on it that makes it easy on the RO to make shore he has the rite guy in line.

That Makes NO WAY a group can send a (Runner) ahead with the score sheets to get in line for the next stage before they have even shot on the previous stage

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Well, I said my peace and I'm done with that part. I did enjoy the match and will be back for the 2nd annual one.

This being the first one, I think match staff saw what worked, and what could stand a bit of tweaking. I do like the idea of shooters "chips" to be redeemed at each stage. If possible for next year I wouldn't mind seeing even longer distances.


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my small club did open squadding for years at every club match a few core members would get stuck running a stage for 1/2 of the match. When we had over 35 shooters it would get stressed with just four stages.

So I started giving out the shooter Chip at sign-up they could pick any stage they wanted to shoot and see the line up of chips on a special board set on the table, = if they wanted or needed to take a break they knew when how many shooters were ahead of them. Watching a friend on another squad for one set would not knock them out of line.

The entire thing was a joy when we went to squads with the Ros moving with the group. The only draw back is getting see other squads shoot a stage.

I think it is more than luck that Coastal Bend has so many good ROs and shooters. I can tell they work hard for IT

Thanks again for letting me shoot and every thing Else

Jamie Foote

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I hope the sqadding was not a problem on stage 6, I do know we had one guy that we called at least 3 or 4 times and kept moveing him to the bottom, finaly we just kept him there, he was one of the last to shoot for the day. I like the chip idea, locks them to one stage. My biggest problem was( just like always) late in the day people kind of lost intrest in tapeing. But I'm old and getting slow and am gulity of that myself. Overall I'm happy with the match and might be instersted in talking abouy doing it again in 10 or 12 years. Or maybe next Febuary, seemed like a good time of the year for it. Thanks to all you folks.---------Larry

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