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I've been to all 4 DTCs, and I agree this was the best one yet. This is also the first time I have RO'd a major match (stage 6, the big ones go "BONG"), and it was a hoot! I really enjoyed meeting all the shooters, something I don't get to do as a regular competitor. I now have a new appreciation for all the work that goes into a match this size - Robert, Steve and everyone else worked their butts off to make this happen, and I will certainly remember to thank the staff at matches I go to in the future. The shooters were great, the weather was typical Texas schizophrenic, and I'm sick as a dog today but I will do it all over again next year! :cheers:

I was the good-looking RO on that stage, and I ditto everything thegirl says here ;) . I have a new appreciation for ROs at major matches, and a continuing awe of what Porter has turned out the last 4 years. It was really, really cool to see everyone, make some new friends, and put names to a few faces. The shooters were by far the best part of the match - they worked their fannies off on our stage (well, most of 'em <_< ), and really saved my back. Thanks to everyone involved for a really great 4 days.


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Great MATCH !!!!

Squad 21 was MOST Awesome, we litterally had to run to get to a target to tape bullet holes ! :cheers:

Great meeting all the forum members, No I'm NOT going to list ALL of you by name, and putting a face with the "name".

If ya'll can, try and make the Mississippi Classic, it is pretty close to this but with a little distance in some bays.

Congrats to the Winners, and the Match Organizers.


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Looks like you guys had a great time. I regret missing the fun.

Draw and Duck.............did you secure another chalice?

Congrats to one of our local boys-Bryan Reid-for making a strong 3rd place finish in Limited. Good job Bryan!!! :cheers:

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Awesome Match!! This was my first major and one I will never forget. Squad 22: y'all were a great group to shoot with. Hope to see y'all around and shoot with you again.

Big thanks to everyone who helped make this match possible! I can't even imagine how much time and effort was put into it.

Looking forward to coming back next year.


Edited by gunnerBU
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I have a few loading on You Tube do a search for AlamoShooter and Double Tap . I am not so good a posting a link.

I have stage 1 2 &6 with Thomas shooting . I did not have a Slow Motion feature on my video so my runs did not pick up on the camera.

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"The Tribe has spoken"

Thanks to Robert and all the Staff that put together and helped ro the match,

it was awesome, especially that cave. I'm glad I was able to make it at the

last minute, If you missed it you should be upset, cause you missed out!!

C ya again next year.


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Congrats on the win Manny. You deserve it. Especially after shooting it in the cold.


"The Tribe has spoken"

Thanks to Robert and all the Staff that put together and helped ro the match,

it was awesome, especially that cave. I'm glad I was able to make it at the

last minute, If you missed it you should be upset, cause you missed out!!

C ya again next year.


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Great job on the match Robert. I have been to all 4 of them and this was your best yet. Thanks to all the RO's and match staff. I know you guys and gals worked your tails off to make this match run smooth. Squad 17 was alot of fun to shoot with and I made some new friends. We had a blast at the match hotel bar where I met more competitors that I look forward to shooting with in the future. We definitely experienced every weather pattern with the exception of snow during 4 days on the range. Now I must clean all the orange sand out of my gun, mags, range bag, underwear, and socks and get ready for Space City next month.

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Yeah it was a awesome weekend, It was like what maybe 40 on Friday and overcast, but I shot the Florida state match on Saturday and it

made up for it, it was 85 and sunny!! what a difference in climate. and it had multiple plates at 34+ yards, talk about opposite



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Can't say enough good about this match. We have been to the past 3 and they just keep getting better.

How Robert can keep coming up with better matches each year escapes me. I don't know of many who

could pull off what he does. And hats off to all the great ROs. Again they were the cream of the crop.

Squad 23 was a hoot. Great guys, lots of laughs, and everyone helped make it run smooth. We were

honored to shoot with both Theo Carter and Joel Fox so we got to enjoy the Navy Vs Air Force

matchup. Not to mention two of our military's finest people. Joel has said he will miss next year's match

as he will be deployed to the sandbox during that time. Be safe my friend.

We have already marked time off for next year's DT match.


Edited by spd522
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Hey Robert, you and everyone else involved with putting this match together are awesome. This is a top notch match in every aspect. I have started picking one long distance match to travel to each year (from Alabama) and this one has been it for the last 2 years. It's always been alot of fun and well ran and definitely worth the trip.

Thanks for the congrats Todd and there is a forthcoming version of the "Match Chalice."


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There was a name mistake - so I am working to correct that - I am also adding some video footage that got cut on this run. I will post an updated version.

Thanks to all the shooter on squad 21 for making this match allot of fun!! Thanks to Robert for working his but off while being short handed - it really is allot of work to put on these matches!

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The blooming onion center was one of the best pieces of blind unsighted indirect-fire involving a vegetable and fork I've seen in a looong time.

It's a good thing the rolls were soft.. I got whapped by one just above my right eye.

One of the best BE get-togethers, ever

I heard the roll was in retaliation for an onion attack by Shred.

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