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in case you did not know it

All leaders of State refer to themselves in as third a person as possible.


I appreciate you looking out for my campaign Miranda. But please be advised when I am elected President I will not refer to myself in the third person nor in the plural. There is a whole new day of just plain common sense on the way. I suspect with four years to practice I can get from C to GM and shoot all the Nationals. Oh, by the way, just in case anyone thinks I intend to abuse my office please understand I will purchase my ammunition from my salary and not use the taxpayers money (other than my salary of course) just because I could.

Now enough of this thread drift, I hate writing about myself. (How's that for a segway Z?)



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my inner self stepped out of myself, and looking inward to myself, I wondered what this thread is about.

this thread has a lot of room for gleaning meaning, I believe.

I submit for your consideration that the first post is a complaint about

the fact that 'myself' is not always a proper substitute for 'I'

it is a battle against the rising tide of stupidity! a CALL to ARMS!

Fight the good fight....

and quite futile... the battle was lost before the alarms were ever sounded. :unsure:

as an example I give you 'normalcy'

(crist! I have to go look it up!)

I would like a return to normality, the proper word,

however, a past U.S. President made up 'normalcy' and now we are stuck with it.

whenever I hear the bag-pipes 'o war call up the troops to stop the grammatical foes

*sigh* I heed the call and try darned hard to save the mighty warriors. they only battle themselves... and worse they invariably lose. it is never pretty.....

so in a effort to get the Bag-pipes'o peace to sing out,

I try to use humor to help them see how,before it ever began, the battle was lost.

and then invariablely some dim-wit will up and say:

WELL! Myself hopes there can be a return to normalcy!

the pipes, the pipes, they are a playing...


Edited by Miranda
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Myself would like to take this opportunity to rant about the use of myself. It seems to myself too many people these days use myself when one of the other personal pronouns would be more appropriate.

If you agree or disagree with myself about this myself would appreciate hearing from yourself about it.


You are making waaaay too much sense for someone running for president. You really need to be more obscure :cheers:


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Myself would like to take this opportunity to rant about the use of myself. It seems to myself too many people these days use myself when one of the other personal pronouns would be more appropriate.

If you agree or disagree with myself about this myself would appreciate hearing from yourself about it.


You are making waaaay too much sense for someone running for president. You really need to be more obscure :cheers:


But dj, we've had enough of these politicians running for president. High time we had a straight shooter. And no other candidate would shoot the nationals. I may not have invented the internet or realized the only mistake we made in Vietnam was not still being there but we have late night talk show hosts to figure that stuff out. I want a shooter, me, in the White House.


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Oh sir,

you misunderstand me. You have my vote and anyone else I can convince. But methinks you can shoot straight and still do a little doublespeak :lol::lol::lol:


OBTW, have you chosen anyone to be the cabinet head of the Dept. of Reloading. I, sir, am eminently qualified for that position with just enought squibs (3)to scare the $hit of me and anyone else using my bullets. Your consideration would be appreciated.

A full resume can be had upon request :devil:


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:-) yall,

I was re-reading this thread to find out why nemo, who often makes quite good posts,

saw fit to post "what-ever"....

to nemo,

ok what-ever....

To Aikidale, I have to apologize for misspelling your name....oops.

it was unintentional....

Mr Soon to be Prez?

Straight shooting won't get you elected.

Politic-ing for office is more like shooting all B.

You want to sound and look like a straight shooter I agree,

The trick is to convince folks you can shoot what they want shot

(without promising to actually shoot it)

in otherwords most folks vote FOR the canidate they think won't

shoot at them.....

(or even better can't aim...)

You are climbing the steep side of the mountain. ( They farm the other side.)

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Oh sir,

you misunderstand me. You have my vote and anyone else I can convince. But methinks you can shoot straight and still do a little doublespeak :lol::lol::lol:


OBTW, have you chosen anyone to be the cabinet head of the Dept. of Reloading. I, sir, am eminently qualified for that position with just enought squibs (3)to scare the $hit of me and anyone else using my bullets. Your consideration would be appreciated.

A full resume can be had upon request :devil:


You bring up a good point. As part of the No Shooter Left Behind program we will need to educate the people about safe reloading practices for accurate and reliable ammunition that makes power factor. :)

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I wholeheartedly agree - just another sorry bit of effluvium in the tsunami of inarticulate, pseudo-English gibberish infecting discourse today - from the folks who also brought us "revert back," "continue on," and the mispronunciation of "...tio.." (you don't say "United Nay-sons" or "Nah-suh-null Anthem," so WHY do you insist on "nuh-go-SEE-ay-suns?!"

Irritates the crap out of myself... :P

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I, myself, sorta' like agree with n2 on

<snip> just another sorry bit of effluvium in the tsunami of inarticulate, pseudo-English gibberish infecting discourse today <snip>

just because it sounds kinda' cool because, like, myself really don't understand what he is trying to say. But, you know, like, what-everr...

I, myself feel entrapped by this up-in-here thread, like, you know, the one about smartasses. Especially when my budd Miranda takes colloquial advantage of myself, like, knowing English is only my second language he throws all that, like, intellectual technobabble that only the smart mans like yous understand.


So, dudes, you know, like, what-ever... (Different from whatever. Think Milton Sisters in White Chicks.)

ETA: Hopefully I'll come back from Nationals, my first ever, with photographs of "some of the best and me." ;)

Edited by Nemo
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I find that my eyes are burning and the part of my brain that attempts to find logic within chaos just went on strike. Ears are doing fine listening to the KPLU stream (Jazz, of course).

Using a text-to-speech reader there Floyd? :D And if so, how DID it manage to negotiate the maze of insanity in this thread?

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to Nemo,

As fine a defense of what-ever as I have ever read.

some how I feel skewered.... :blink:

your command of a second language is quite good.

If anyone here is looking for logic in this thread

I can point it out, you may not think it is logic.

I present the logic.

In order to communicate clearly one MUST use words with agreed meanings.

also we agree on the arrangements of those words to help convey meaning.

and some words are only allowed under certain conditions.

got it?

when some one communicates in violation of any of those rules

the reciever of the bad communication has a hard knot to resolve the problem

they mentally fix the error....

and respond as properly as possible.

and most times the reciever is left with a little resentment

it lingers and collects, growing more malevolent...

and soon there is a post: I HATE MYSELF!!!!!

which is a miscommunication....

and a reply like this often appears: "I can use myself all my byself"

which is a miscommunication.

and some times you get long sympathetic posts like this.

logic does not apply to human communication.

hear what they mean or hear what you want,

and tease the author when you can't do either.


edit to fix a missing word

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...and some times you get long sympathetic posts like this...

I think the original point targeted the widespread mangling of the language in modern communications, e.g. mis-/over-using "myself," by way of example, and rampant colloquialisms like "so, dude, you know, like, what-ever" (which is comical on its face)...

I would hate - truly - for anyone to feel in any way "skewered" if the original intent was perceived to have gone off track or was misconstrued... :unsure:

That having been said, Miranda raises some salient points. I have a few young professionals reporting to me that haven't been alive as long as I've been married, and trying to reach mutual understandings between us, I'm certain, would be hysterical to an observer ("I KNOW there's English in there somewhere...!")... :wacko:

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There are two schools of thought when it comes to teaching the English language. One holds that people may be taught to speak correctly. The other that ordinary folks talk real good.

If anyone is confused by the original post I can only speculate; "I know you believe you understand what you thought I said but I am not at all certain what you heard is what I meant."


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Himself wants yourself to completely understand.

He, like, completely got Nemo's post... "what-ever."

It is a good post and completely in context.

Himself did not understand it.

As such, Himself takes full responsiblity for standing himself up where

himself got the skewering.

"Stoke the fire and turn the spit, boys, that side is done !"

A quote from a roman man being punished/tortured over a fire...

(Some embelishments added)


(no hurt feelings I promise)

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