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Promotions with Hidden Agendas


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I've noticed a new trend low in marketing.

Once upon a time various retailers and restaurants ran contests to boost sales.

Look under the cap to Win, etc. etc.

Obviously the idea being that customers that want to play the game are attracted to your business.

No one in their right minds would expect to beat the astronomical odds and actually win anything significant.

However, no harm in trying.

Now a new twist has been added. There is harm in trying.

These contests now ask you to log onto the game official website to play.

Before playing the game you will be asked to register.

Give them your mailing address and e-mail address.

I wonder what they want that for?

Sadly, its seems that most of this crap is taylored to target youth.

Kids lack the market savvy and experience to realize that they are just being used.

In a world where any individual's contact info has monetary value, corporations will stop at nothing to harvest it.

Does this sicken anyone else or is it just me?


Edited by 38superman
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Last time it happened to me, I had registered to win a new gun at the local gun show.

Within a few weeks the phone wouldn't stop ringing with "cold calls" from salesmen pushing everything from aluminum siding to health insurance.

I tried to explain this phone number was on the "Do Not Call" list, but was advised that since I had submitted my information (via the lottery ticket), the DNC did not apply. I had contacted them first.

Just as I was about to change my number, it finally slowed down.

Now when I advise someone this number is on the "Do Not Call" list, they either hang up, or in the case of one asshat, laughed at me till I hung up. A bozo collecting for the local FOP said they were exempt since they were a local charity.

Not so bad for me (I just hang up as soon as I know what's going on) but harder for the Missus. Raised with "manners", she politely listens to their spiel and explains that she is not interested. They don't take NO for an answer. After a while, I walk by and hang the phone up for her.


Edited by Flatland Shooter
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Last time it happened to me, I had registered to win a new gun at the local gun show.

Within a few weeks the phone wouldn't stop ringing with "cold calls" from salesmen pushing everything from aluminum siding to health insurance.


Now I will not "register to win" anything after this exact thing happened to me!

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A bozo collecting for the local FOP said they were exempt since they were a local charity.

"Please send me an audited financial report showing what percentag eof my donation will go to the FOP instead of the fundraising firm" generally stops them in their tracks.

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I'm EXTREMELY picky about what I enter or sign up for. Precisely for all those reasons. I don't want to be on everyone's schmuck list for every goddamn' thing in the world as a result of entering just one contest (especially national ones). Strictly local stuff, or Publishers Clearinghouse, and just a couple of others. And that's all. :angry2:

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Yes, I was thinking of precisely this particular contest... I picked up one of the slips one morning with the intention of reading the fine print when I got home--which I did. Crap, they fully admit they give your information to all kinds of people and there you go. "Don't ever enter", as he said. You'll end up on every list in the book, I figured. Or worse. :ph34r::angry2:

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the calls have ended for me, I joined the do Not Call List when I moved and it takes 31 days for it to take effect.

I have a couple of quick comebacks for telemarketers....

1- What are you wearing (if it's a woman) or Nice to talk to someone else (if it's a guy), I just got out of the Slammer for a 25 year Murder rap, but I was innocent??

2-Are you a Virgin?? I'm in the middle of a satanic rite, and I just ran out...

3- Be quick, I'm expecting a call from the my capo at the Gambino family.

4- Nice to talk to another human, I have been having a great group discussion with my Cat and Dog all morning.

They are all good, and they usually work, they never call back!!

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Saw a "Win a Jeep" drawing at a gunshow entrance once, complete with a new jeep sitting there, started to fill out the card, and on the bottom in very fine print it said, "By signing card I agree to switch my long distance carrier to blah blah blah,

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Now that IS creepy. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Always, always, always read the fine print.........

Exactly! We had something here locally just yesterday that I consider pretty low. Some, what I now consider scumbag, car dealership bulk mailed fliers to everyone in the area (one of those addressed to Resident blah, blah.). On the front it talked about prizes like trips, etc and a grand prize of $20K; it had a scratch-off area on the front that says if this number matches the number on the inside of the flier you win blah, blah, blah come into the dealership immediately (makes it sound like you won $20K). Problem is that everyone talked to yesterday apparently won $20Kbecuase everyone's number is the same and matches. There is no fine print so they are just trying to suck people into the dealership. I can imagine the a number of folks will pile in looking for their $20K just to be assaulted by sales people and then entered into some kind of drawing where you have to fill out forms like those talked about above so the dealership can sell the info for probably north of $20 a name.

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