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The Sopranos ending


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I thought it was an absolutely brilliant ending.

David Chase left the ending up to the viewer.


A) Tony and the family live, and it's open to a movie later


B) Tony and the family are shot dead. (If you recall earlier this season Tony and Bobby were talking in the boat about the fact that you'll never hear it when it happens. Then Tony had a dream about the conversation the episode before the last. Hmmmm.....The last episode ending, Tony looks up, and then black......)

Could go either way......Brilliant.

I don't believe that David Chase would show Tony and the family getting killed. That's not what the fans want.

Just my $.02

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Narratively I think the series was wrapped up just fine, but it was done ina way that was messy and unsatisfying.

The series started out with Tony in internal turmoil because of a conflict regarding who he is, what he does, and what he thinks he should be. Over the course of the series, the more he fights who he is, the more both his families wind up in turmoil. By the end of the series, he appears to have accepted who he is, and the problems it brings into his life and brings to both his families. Both his families wind up in order and basically happy despite the rough ride because of this. However, they don't get there in a way that is satisfying to Tony, but he lets that go. For the nature of the story the series was telling, that's a pretty sound result.

However, mire it down with basically a hit list of all the characters that said no way to a film deal ever, then pad it out an extra couple of episodes, tack on an extra 5 minutes of ending that is basically cheap directorial tricks to build tension intermingled with 5 minutes of parallel parking followed up with truning the lights off. The abrupt open ending wouldn't ahve been so reviled if it had been a meaningful end to something that had been carefully crafted and executed the past few years.

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The ending seemed a little out-of-character and out of touch with the rest of the episodes... The director could've "built tension" in an entirely different way and treated the audience to a more appropriate conclusion.

Meanwhile, I thought some of the episodes dragged a bit or had moments that seemed not-very-compelling, or something. I found myself feeling impatient (for lack of better word) with some of the episodes--and just tuning out. And I come from an Italian family, for cryin' out loud. Perhaps it's because I'm a West Coast Italian and not an East Coast Italian, I dunno. :P

I did think The Pine Barrens episode was done well, but didn't get to see the ending of THAT one (would someone like to clue me in...? Please, huh, please...??) :wub:


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