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Need 9mm Starting Load For Zero 125gr Jhp Using W231


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I have been loading 9mm for my Glock 17 using 4.1gr of Titegroup behind a 125gr Zero JHP, but I don't like all the brown soot that gets all over the front of my gun and I have read that W231 may be slightly more accurate. I would like to try a load using W231 but the published starting loads that I have seen have me confused. My Lyman manual lists 3.9/starting and 4.4/max for a Sierra 125gr JHP. The data on the Winchester propellant page shows 4.4/starting and 4.8/max for a Sierra 125gr FMJ. Both loads list shorter OAL at 1.075" for the JHP and 1.090" for the FMJ. I have been loading my Zero's out to 1.140". It seems as though the Lyman manual is very conservative with their load data also.

Does 4.4gr of 231 at 1.140" OAL seem like a reasonable starting load for working up a 125gr Zero JHP load for my G17? Thanks in advance for any input.

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Yes, at that OAL you will be fine. Just make sure to chrono and watch for any pressure signs as you increase the load. You will be adding more powder than the book loads to make PF since your OAL is longer than the book load. A benefit will be that the loads should be more accurate as there is less bullet "jump" to the rifling....

Good luck,


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I have been loading 9mm for my Glock 17 using 4.1gr of Titegroup behind a 125gr Zero JHP, but I don't like all the brown soot that gets all over the front of my gun and I have read that W231 may be slightly more accurate. I would like to try a load using W231 but the published starting loads that I have seen have me confused. My Lyman manual lists 3.9/starting and 4.4/max for a Sierra 125gr JHP. The data on the Winchester propellant page shows 4.4/starting and 4.8/max for a Sierra 125gr FMJ. Both loads list shorter OAL at 1.075" for the JHP and 1.090" for the FMJ. I have been loading my Zero's out to 1.140". It seems as though the Lyman manual is very conservative with their load data also.

Does 4.4gr of 231 at 1.140" OAL seem like a reasonable starting load for working up a 125gr Zero JHP load for my G17? Thanks in advance for any input.

I am currently shooting 126g MasterBlasters at 1050 fps with OAL of 1.135" and 3.9g W231 out of a 5 in. barrel. These are polymer coated bullets and run about 75 fps faster than jacketed bullets with the same powder load and internal volume (OAL, for identical profiles). I would start at 4.0 to 4.2g of W231 and work from there. For the Glock 17 you may want a slower powder like HS-6. Used a ton of it while shooting Glocks. The Zero bullets are a high quality product.

Best regards,

Jim Taylor

Glen Allen VA

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I have been loading 9mm for my Glock 17 using 4.1gr of Titegroup behind a 125gr Zero JHP, but I don't like all the brown soot that gets all over the front of my gun and I have read that W231 may be slightly more accurate. I would like to try a load using W231 but the published starting loads that I have seen have me confused. My Lyman manual lists 3.9/starting and 4.4/max for a Sierra 125gr JHP. The data on the Winchester propellant page shows 4.4/starting and 4.8/max for a Sierra 125gr FMJ. Both loads list shorter OAL at 1.075" for the JHP and 1.090" for the FMJ. I have been loading my Zero's out to 1.140". It seems as though the Lyman manual is very conservative with their load data also.

Does 4.4gr of 231 at 1.140" OAL seem like a reasonable starting load for working up a 125gr Zero JHP load for my G17? Thanks in advance for any input.

If YOUR gun needs 4.1gr of TG to meet PF w/125gr bullets then YOUR gun may well need 4.4gr of W231 to reach similar velocities. My experience with my guns in 9mm and light .38Super loads is that in general it takes about about 8-10% more W231 than TG to reach similar velocity. FWIW, my 9mm guns w/ZERO 125JHP I run 4.1W231 or 3.8TG for 1025fps my OAL is 1.100". In .38 Super I find 4.9W231 = 4.5TG = 4.1CLAYS with 115JHP w/OAL of 1.240" they all run about 1100fps.

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