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Need A Skeet Gun


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Just about anything that has removable chokes would work. The only other thing is barrel length. I have alwasy liked the shorter lengths because I swing them better but I have seen others who use the longer lengths.

I use a 26 inch rem choke barrel on my 1100 with a skeet choke and it works fine. That same gun would also works well as a game gun if I want to use it for dove.

Neal in AZ

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Be careful, breaking clay targets can become addictive. Skeet may lead to Trap or even Sporting Clays - then you you are really hooked!!!

You can shoot skeet with just about any shotgun but the active shooters use over/unders so that they can use sub-gauge tubes to shoot all the gauges. Over/unders tend to be expensive.

I suggest that you start with a reliable semi-auto like Remington 1100, Beretta 303/390/391, Browning Gold, etc. in 12 or 20 gauge with 28 inch barrel.

A good semi-auto in 12 gauge with 28 or 30 inch barrels with choke tubes will break targets in Skeet, Trap, or Sporting Clays.

A 26 in barrel auto is great for skeet and hunting but is not as well suited to Trap or Sporting Clays if you decide to try those sports also.

Most clay target ranges have bulletin boards with used shotguns for sale - that is a great way to find a shotgun.

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I've been away from the clays for a long time but I've always shot skeet with a Ruger Red Label. I bought a set- 12. 20. and 28 gauge so I shoot all three. If I was to get serious about skeet though, I'd buy a dedicated 28 :) Everytime I shoot the 12, I feel like I'm using a cannon for a mosquito.

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Dollar for dollar, it's hard to beat an older Rem 1100 or the old Beretta 303 and 390. You should be able to find one in good shape at a reasonable price. If local shops are not helpful, turn to Gun List.

Oops, Gun list is called Gun Digest now.

Edited by JD45
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Not much to add, just decide on how much you want to spend.

From used to new, a good auto can be @ $400-$1100 and a good O/U @ $900 ;) - $2500.

Choke tubes are good and barrel length is more of what feels best to you since a lot barrels are lighter "today", so length doesn't always mean "heavier". Don't go less than 26" on an auto or less than 28" on an O/U.

I'd stick with Remington and Beretta for autos and Browning, Beretta for O/U's in your price range. Maybe Ruger, just not much experience with them to be honest.

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A few months ago I asked my local clays Yoda for a recommendation on a clays gun. One that will do trap, skeet, and sporting clays. $1500 max.

"Get a Beretta 391 and don't look back."

$1100 later got a 391 parallel target. It fits, it shoots, it's reliable. Best money I've ever spent on a long gun.

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