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Sp-01 Loads?


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Done a search, but nothing conclusive for what I'm looking for. To those that have been loading for their SP's or similars, what are you using for powder and OAL?

Anyone been using plated? Still have some left over from my old gun, but then will probably make the switch to Zero.

In this gun, do you notice much difference between the 124's-125's and the 147's in the way they handle and group?

Thanks very much.

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I loaded up 147fmj under VV310 and 124jhp under Titegroup. I tried them at a match and reshot with the other load. When I compared scores I did much better with the 147gr load. I also like it for a falling steel load too.....My .02$

Try them both and see what you like!



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Thanks for the info guys. Went to a match Saturday and did as Doug had done in the past. Shot two different divisions and used 2 different loads. Used a 124g RN over 4.2g of Tite at 1.165" OAL and also used a 147g RN over 3.3g of Tite at 1.150" OAL.

I liked how the gun felt with the 147's better. Didn't notice much difference in times and scores though. Sights tracked better with the 147 loads. Did notice a big difference in the way the gun sounded. I shot plated this weekend as it was stuff I had laying around. I ordered 12k of Zero's and will play with 310 again when they come. 310 is just to much for plated bullets and I have never been able to get any accuracy out of it. Now with Zero's that I've played with in the past, 310 worked great. I'm going to also play around with some Clay's and Tite.

Match went well, won both my divisions that I shot in, and also ended up HOA for the match. It was a good weekend with my new gun. Picked it up on Thursday and put it through it pace on Saturday :D

Hope everybody had a Merry Christmas, and will have a safe New Year.

Thanks again guys.

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Thanks Doug.

The 147g load with 3.3 Tite came through this gun at a pretty consistant 132 PF. I found that it took a little more than what other people use, when I had some of my old Zero's around. The 124g load is an old load from my HK that made a 134PF roughly and is almost the same in my CZ using plated. Both give me enough cushion for the chrono. But like you stated, I will be loading up other test loads with some different powders to be checking accuracy and PF when my Zero's show up.

I usually don't load up more than what I plan on shooting in a week anyway (sometimes I do if I get real bored). Not to mention when the temps start changing, I always recheck my load development for accuracy and PF. I haven't found any of the powders I currently use to be temp sensitive, but you never know.

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