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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

James Flowers


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In 2006 I started a spreadsheet that tracked my match performance against the match winner. I found an interesting outcome. While my points are typically within 2% of the winner, my times are about 180%. So if the winner scored 140 points in 12 secs on the stage, I was scoring 139 points in 20 secs. Hmmm, I wonder if weighing 295 has anything to do with that..... DUH!

So, I created a goal, 5 pounds and 4 points on my classifier average a month.



The scales say 287 and my average is up 4.47 points with Novembers classifiers. At least I made the goal for the first month. Its amazing that a classifier I basically blew off (end of long cold wet day, all I wanted to do was head out) is the best classifier I have shot to date......

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I missed the first Sat match due to illness. but I managed to get out and shoot the match today (2nd Sat Rowan County Wildlife Club, Salisbury, NC).

The weight loss is still on track and it was noticable today. I did not feel as if I was pushing things and my movement felt freer. But I had significant gun problems which made for a bad match. But I am off Monday so it off to see the gunsmith and see if we can resolve the problem.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, the year has started off with a whimper..... out of the first 7 club matches of the year, I have only made 2. Hate it when life gets in the way! I got the mechanical problems resolved, needed a new ejector.

Competitive Shooters of Statesville, February 18, 2007

Stage 1. 16 rounds. 7 Paper, 2 steel. Start behind a Bianchi Barricade. Engage targets as visible from within the barricade's box. At least one target must be engaged from each side of the barricade, mandantory reload every time you swap sides.

Stage 2. 24 rounds. 4 paper. Start in Box A. Zig Zag through the barriers, engaging all four targets with two rounds each from each side of the barriers, ending in either Box B or C.

Stage 3 - 24 rounds. 10 Paper, 4 steel. Start with gun on table. Engage as you see them.

Stage 4 - 18 rounds. 6 Paper, 6 plates. Start with gun on table, unloaded, all mags on table.

Stage 5 - Classifier 99-11 El Presidente

My squad started on Stage 3. I started with my big stick in and it chocked on me.

Stage 4. I tried to jam the magazine and my finger into the gun at the same time. Shot the stage so-so. The scorekeeper neglected to write a time on my score card so I had to reshoot. The Reshoot Gods were smiling. Got the gun from the table, magazine went home, slide racked, engage 3 paper up the left side, 6 plates going across, 3 paper back down the right side. Time = 12.27, 18 As. Nice run.

Stage 5. It was El Prez, what can I say. Time = 7.71, 6 As, 5Cs, 1D. The Ohio Calculator says 56%. While you might think its not a great run, that will be the best classifier I have shot and a great step on my way to B Class.

Stage 1. Things started out good, but once I cleared one side and went to swing to the other side, the gun jammed. After a bit of fumbling, I realized the slide stop had backed out. Shoved it home and finished the stage.

Stage 2. Visualized shooting the stage without stopping. Shot it the same way. Kept the gun up, feet moving. Felt good, but I knew I had pushed a couple of shots. Time = 14.62, 18A, 3Cs, 1D, 1M. Not a great run, not a bad run.

I have 300 still images from the match. I like the fast action stills better than video as I can easily flip back and forth and see what I am doing at a specific point. Noticed a few things I need to work on. I loaded the scores into my spreadsheet and I was 150% of the winner's time and 96% of the winner's points when throwing out the mechanical breakdowns. I was 232.1% of time and 91% of points with those stages added in.

Action Items:

1) Get the gun bullet-proofed.

2) Dryfire Practice (when at home)

3) Visualize/pointed finger gun practice (when in hotels)

4) Get that bigstick bullet-proofed.

5) Continue to try and lose some of the weight I am pushing around.

Edited by JFlowers
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