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S&w M&p Vs Xd

Leadfoot Anny

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My husband is buying me a new gun, we shoot USPSA I have a choice between a S&W M&P or the bio- tone XD9. Which one should I choose. The guy at the gun shop as a good point about Smith and Wesson being made here in the USA. Alot of cops are going to the M&P. What is a girl to do.

Please Help me decide. ;)

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Pick the one that feels the best in your hand, and try to shoot examples of both before any purchase is made. Unless out of the running because you personally don't like it, it would be a mistake to ignore the Glock.

I will note that I've seen a couple of women shooting the XD and it seemed a poor choice for both of them. Lots of muzzle flip. I will admit that observation is worth next to nothing.

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The M&P is getting a good rep, but let me make a couple of points:

There are a lot more people shooting XD's in USPSA than the M&P.

The XD can be made to have a trigger that's better than anything else out there, short of a 1911.

SA has a lifetime wnty. If it breaks, they fix it. forever.

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I've had both.

As mentioned, go rent or borrow each and shoot them. Which one fits your hands better?

For me, it's the SW. YMMV.

The Smith has the bonus of having the semi-custom type grips and to me, it points and fit better in my hands than the XD.

I think the trigger on the MP is better than the XD, but that's my perspective; yours may vary.

I like the loaded indicator of the XD better than the one on the MP, and the XD has the "cocked" indicator as well which I thought was neat. If you're using the pistol as a carry gun, it's nice to be able to check the gun in the dark and without having to "see" the gun.

A perk of the MP is that it will take Glock guide rods and springs which are fairly readily and easily availabe. Last time I looked into that kind of stuff for the XD I used to have, they were only available at a place or two online.

If you are a lefty, then the MP has some clear advantages as well.

There are gunsmiths out there for both pistols that can do absolutely slick trigger jobs.

The stock sights on both leave a lot to be desired, but that's an easy fix. Just got in a pair of Dawson's for my MP and I think they rock....

I think both are fine platforms, just find the one you like the best and that fits your hands the best and go with it.

For me, I sold the XD to buy the MP.

hope this all helps!

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Well I had to make a fast choice, I got a very good deal on the M&P, I like the way it felt and knowing it came with a smaller palm swell, it is made here in the USA which I like, I got the M&P. I loved the way it felt in my hand, I like the sights, the true test will be when I take it out and shoot it. I still have my steyr which I have been shooting for almost a year. I plan on selling it if my M&P lives up to my expectations. Wish me luck.

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